1st Edition

Zero Quality Control Source Inspection and the Poka-Yoke System

By Shigeo Shingo Copyright 1986

    A combination of source inspection and mistake-proofing devices is the only method to get you to zero defects. Shigeo Shingo shows you how this proven system for reducing errors turns out the highest quality products in the shortest period of time. Shingo provides 112 specific examples of poka-yoke development devices on the shop floor, most of them costing less than $100 to implement. He also discusses inspection systems, quality control circles, and the function of management with regard to inspection.


    1. Inspections and the Structure of Production
    2. Management Functions and Quality Control
    3. Inspections Don't Reduce Defects
    4. Approaching the Zero QC Method
    5. More on Inspection Systems
    6. Using Poka-yoke Systems
    7. Examples of Poka-yoke Systems
    8. Quality Control and QC Circles

    About the Author


    Shigeo Shingo (Author) Since 1982, the author has continued travelling and consulting around the world.  Since 1985, he has offered seminars in the United States under the auspices of Productivity, Inc.