1st Edition

The World of the Theory of Constraints A Review of the International Literature

    The Theory of Constraints (TOC) - as developed by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt - has seen a rapid expansion since the publication of his book, The Goal. As with most fast growing areas, you can quickly feel out of touch with new developments. The World of the Theory of Constraints provides a summary of recently published research on TOC.
    The authors explored databases, and sought out papers and books drawing on as wide a range as possible. Aside from the works by Dr. Goldratt himself, the authors focus on items published since 1990, highlighting the most recent developments in TOC. The scope of the material covers works containing specific reference to TOC, including Synchronous Manufacturing and Constraint Management.
    The book is organized into three sections. The first section contains an analysis and interpretation of the results of the search. The second provides abstracts on all the material. The third supplies author, keyword, and subject indexes along with a list of books, journals, websites, and publishers.
    Extensively researched and referenced, The World of the Theory of Constraints furnishes comprehensive material on TOC. The multi-search approach has made this arguably the most exhaustive bibliography on this subject available. If you are researching TOC, this is the best place to start. If you use or teach TOC, you will want this resource.


    Table of TOC Application Data
    Bibliographies and Abstracts
    The Theory of Constraints Book List
    Keyword Index
    Industry Groupings Index.
    Author /Co-Author Index
    Publication Source Index


    Dr. Mabin has been interested in Goldraits TOC since 1987 when she first came across The GoaL Since then she has actively used and developed many aspects of TOC in her research, consulting, and teaching. She undertook the first application of Cioldratts methods in New Zealand at Expozay International which has been used as an example by many others, and has published fairly widely on TOC. In her current post at Victoria University of Wellington. New Zealand. she teaches and researches in the arcas of problem solving and decision making, and operations management, in which arenas TOC has played a prominent part. Prior to joining Victoria University in 1991, she worked for NZ’S Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for over a decade, working as a consultant to business, government, and industry on a range of strategic and operational problems. Her formal academic training includes an Honours degree from the University of Canterbury (in Economics) and a Ph.D. (in Operational Research) from the University of lincaster, U.K. Steven Haldcrstone is currently lecturing in Operations Management and Decision Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington, to undergraduate and post-experience students. lie is working towards attaining a Ph.D., building upon his background in operations management, decision sciences, and systems thinking. His interest in the Theory ofConstraints grewafter reading The Goal— assigned reading for an undergraduate course run by Dr. Mabin. He then worked as research assistant for Dr. Mabin, which uncovered numerous success stories of TOC application. Further study on TOC at both undergraduate and graduate level then led to his Masters thesis: The Theory of Constraints: a source of operational arid financial performance improvement for rnanufacturers?, which provided an integrated review of the TOC methodology, and collated and analysed the empirical evidence of TOC applications. Steven Balderstone has also helped several orgnisations apply TOC with impressive results.