1st Edition

The Resilience of Democracy Persistent Practice, Durable Idea

Edited By Peter Burnell, Peter Calvert Copyright 1999

    This volume brings together studies of the small number of previously established states that have retained and/or restored democracy despite - in many cases - formidable economic, social or political challenges. It seeks to establish common themes, whether or not they appear to fit a grand casual theory. It is, after all, the very adaptability of democratic systems that characterises their persistence, durability and resilience.

    Democratic society and its enemies, Anthony Arblaster; enduring elite democracy in Botswana, Kenneth Good; democracy in the Commonwealth Caribbean, Paul Sutton; why Costa Rica remains a democracy, Lloyd Pettiford; the possibility of democratic consolidation in Ghana, Jeff Haynes; parties and the people - India's changing party system and the resilience of democracy, Subrata Kumar Mitra; Israel's democracy at 50 - from resilience to residue?, Clive Jones; the consolidation of democracy in Mauritius, Barbara Wake Carroll, Terrance Carroll; survival of an imperfect democracy in the Phillippines, James Putzel; political space in South East Asia - Asian-Style and Other Democracies, Kevin Hewison; Venezuela - degenerative democaracy, Julia Buxton.


    Burnell, Peter; Calvert, Peter