1st Edition

The Market for Aquaculture Products Market Efficiency and Global Competitiveness

Edited By Kwamena K. Quagrainie Copyright 2013

    This book is a compilation of studies that explore opportunities for profitability for aquaculture practitioners through the creation and delivery of value from cost leadership and/or product differentiation. The studies focus on producer and consumer issues as well as trade. Some farm management and production practices that influence domestic costs and enhance profitability are examined. Opportunities for niche and target marketing are also presented as avenues for competitiveness for the aquaculture industry. Imports of seafood from Vietnam has been one of the major challenges facing the US aquaculture industry, and this book presents some results from a study on international trade of Vietnam’s catfish (basa/tra) and the effects on the US catfish industry.

    This book was published as a special issue of Aquaculture Economics & Management.

    1. Introduction: Domestic Market Efficiency and Global Competitiveness for Aquaculture Products  2. Delineating Shoppers of Live Seafood in the Midwestern United States  3. The Economics of Small-scale Soft Shell Crayfish Production  Siddhartha Dasgupta, 4. The Effect of Cash Flow and Credit Constraints on Financial Feasibility and Stocking Strategies on U.S. Catfish Farms: A Mixed-integer Multi-stage Programming Approach  5 International Competitiveness of Catfish in the U.S. Market: A Constant Market Share Analysis  6. Determinants of Catfish, BASA and TRA Importation into the USA: An Application of an Augmented Gravity Model


    Kwamena K. Quagrainie is Director, Aquaculture marketing in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. He is also affiliated with the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College program as Aquaculture Marketing Specialist.