1st Edition

The Lactoperoxidase System Chemistry and Biological Significance

By Kenneth Pruitt Copyright 1985

    This book reviews the major biochemical and biological properties of the lactoperoxidase system including both the bovine milk and human salivary enzymes. It focuses on the basic chemistry of peroxidase-catalyzed reactions and clinical applications of peroxide system antimicrobial effects.

    1. The Biological Significance of the Nonimmunoglobulin Defense Factors 2. The Chemical Structure of Lactoperoxidase 3. Products of Lactoperoxidase-Catalyzed Oxidation of Thiocyanate and Halides 4. Steady-State Kinetics of Lactoperoxidase-Catalyzed Reactions 5. Genetic Variation of Salivary Peroxidase 6. The Peroxidase System in Human Secretions 7. The Lactoperoxidase System of Bovine Milk 8. Biochemistry of Peroxidase System: Antimicrobial Effects 9. Bacterial Hydrogen Peroxide Production 10. Effect of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols on Salivary Peroxidase 11. Activation of the Salivary Peroxidase Antimicrobial System: Clinical Studies 12. Antibody Targeting of the Antimicrobial and Antitumor Activity of the Peroxidases


    Kenneth Pruitt