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The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of Essential Works & Printed Writings, 1500-1640: Series I, Part Four

About the Series

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs17 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 : \cf1 A\cf0 \cf1 Facsimile\cf0 \cf1 Library\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 is\cf0 \cf1 designed\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 make\cf0 \cf1 available\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 focused\cf0 \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 from\cf0 \cf1 1500\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 1750\cf0 , \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 them\cf0 . \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 three\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Printed\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 (\cf1 1500-1640\cf0 , \cf1 1641-1700\cf0 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 1701-1750\cf0 ) \cf1 provide\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 , \cf1 if\cf0 \cf1 not\cf0 \cf1 entirely\cf0 \cf1 complete\cf0 , \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 separately\cf0 \cf1 published\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0\f1 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 aim\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 support\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 advancement\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 feminist\cf0 \cf1 criticism\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 \cf1 period\cf0 .\cf1\f0 The\f2 \f0 volumes\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 library\cf0 \cf1 reproduce\cf0 \cf1 carefully\cf0 \cf1 chosen\cf0 \cf1 copies\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 these\cf0 \cf1 texts\cf0 , \cf1 incorporating\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 short\cf0 \cf1 introduction\cf0 \cf1 providing\cf0 \cf1 an\cf0 \cf1 overview\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 life\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 work\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 writer\cf0 \cf1 along\cf0 \cf1 with\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 survey\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 important\cf0 scholarship.\par \par The \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 also\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 separate\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 Study\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Manuscript\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 . \cf1 These\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 are\cf0 \cf1 complemented\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 1500-1750\cf0 : \cf1 Contemporary\cf0 \cf1 Editions\cf0 \cf1 which\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 old-spelling\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 modernized\cf0 \cf1 editions\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 works\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 gender\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 England.\par \pard\fs17\par }

6 Series Titles

Per Page

Catherine Greenbury and Mary Percy Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part Four, Volume 2

Catherine Greenbury and Mary Percy: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part Four, Volume 2

1st Edition

By Jos Blom
August 24, 2006

This volume includes two early seventeenth-century translations of Roman Catholic books by English recusant nuns - Catherine Greenbury (a Franciscan) and Mary Percy (a Benedictine). To practise their faith on the continent both these women fled Elizabethan England where Roman Catholic practice had ...

Elizabeth Evelinge, III Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 1

Elizabeth Evelinge, III: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 1

1st Edition

By Claire Walker
August 17, 2006

Elizabeth Evelinge, now firmly believed to have been the translator of The admirable life of the holy virgin S. Catharine of Bologna, entered the English Poor Clare monastery in Gravelines in 1620. After ongoing dissension at Gravelines, along with Catharine Bentley (originally believed to be the ...

Anne Campbell Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 4

Anne Campbell: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 4

1st Edition

By Theresa Lamy
May 28, 2006

The religious, historical and rhetorical significance of the Confessions written by St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, can hardly be overstated: the book is one of the unifying texts of Western Christianity and a seminal work for Roman Catholic Europe. The publication in 1622 of Duchess Anne ...

Anne Phoenix Printed Writings, 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 5

Anne Phoenix: Printed Writings, 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 5

1st Edition

By David Como
October 03, 2006

Unfamiliar today, The saints legacies... by Anne Fenwick (pseudonym Anne Phoenix) was a modest but unquestionable best seller. First published in 1629, it went through no fewer than thirteen editions between then and 1688. Most of the many thousands of Stuart readers would not have known that it ...

Late Medieval Englishwomen: Julian of Norwich; Marjorie Kempe and Juliana Berners Printed Writings, 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 3

Late Medieval Englishwomen: Julian of Norwich; Marjorie Kempe and Juliana Berners: Printed Writings, 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four, Volume 3

1st Edition

By Barry Collett
January 14, 2007

This volume includes the works of three Englishwomen: Julian of Norwich (1342-c.1416) whose Revelations were first printed in 1670; Margery Kempe (c.1373-c.1438) from whose Boke of Marjorie Kempe a few extracts were printed in 1501 and again in 1512; Juliana Berners (possibly c.1388) whose treatise...

Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four 5 Volume Set

Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Four: 5 Volume Set

1st Edition

By Betty S. Travitsky, Anne Lake Prescott
November 28, 2006

The three series of Printed Writings (1500-1640, 1641-1700, and 1701-1750) provide a comprehensive, if not entirely complete, collection of separately published writings by women. In reprinting these writings it is intended to remedy one of the major obstacles to the advancement of feminist ...

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