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The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of Essential Works & Printed Writings, 1500-1640: Series I, Part One

About the Series

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs17 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 : \cf1 A\cf0 \cf1 Facsimile\cf0 \cf1 Library\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 is\cf0 \cf1 designed\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 make\cf0 \cf1 available\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 focused\cf0 \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 from\cf0 \cf1 1500\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 1750\cf0 , \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 them\cf0 . \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 three\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Printed\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 (\cf1 1500-1640\cf0 , \cf1 1641-1700\cf0 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 1701-1750\cf0 ) \cf1 provide\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 , \cf1 if\cf0 \cf1 not\cf0 \cf1 entirely\cf0 \cf1 complete\cf0 , \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 separately\cf0 \cf1 published\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0\f1 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 aim\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 support\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 advancement\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 feminist\cf0 \cf1 criticism\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 \cf1 period\cf0 .\cf1\f0 The\f2 \f0 volumes\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 library\cf0 \cf1 reproduce\cf0 \cf1 carefully\cf0 \cf1 chosen\cf0 \cf1 copies\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 these\cf0 \cf1 texts\cf0 , \cf1 incorporating\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 short\cf0 \cf1 introduction\cf0 \cf1 providing\cf0 \cf1 an\cf0 \cf1 overview\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 life\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 work\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 writer\cf0 \cf1 along\cf0 \cf1 with\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 survey\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 important\cf0 scholarship.\par \par The \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 also\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 separate\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 Study\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Manuscript\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 . \cf1 These\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 are\cf0 \cf1 complemented\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 1500-1750\cf0 : \cf1 Contemporary\cf0 \cf1 Editions\cf0 \cf1 which\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 old-spelling\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 modernized\cf0 \cf1 editions\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 works\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 gender\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 England.\par \fs17\par }

11 Series Titles

Per Page

Works by and attributed to Elizabeth Cary Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 2

Works by and attributed to Elizabeth Cary: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 2

1st Edition

By Margaret W. Ferguson
September 27, 2018

Elizabeth Cary (c.1585-1639) was an accomplished scholar of languages and theology. Her considerable strength of character was demonstrated by her public conversion to Catholicism in 1625 thereby creating an irrevocable rift in her marriage and her family. Her biography, written by her daughter, ...

Alice Sutcliffe Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 7

Alice Sutcliffe: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 7

1st Edition

By Patrick Cullen
July 25, 1996

Alice Sutcliffe was married in 1624 (her birth and death dates are not known, nor her exact marriage date) to John Sutcliffe who was Esquire to the Body of James I. He later became Groom of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Chamber at the Court of Charles I and it is suggested by some of her ...

Anne Askew Printed Writings 1500–1640:  Series 1, Part One, Volume 1

Anne Askew: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 1

1st Edition

By John N. King
July 25, 1996

Anne Askew (1521-1546) was accused of heresy because of her denial of the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and ritual of mass. These two works provide an extremely rare autobiographical account of heresy interrogations, torture, trial and conviction. Her manuscripts were smuggled out of ...

Anne Wheathill Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 9

Anne Wheathill: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 9

1st Edition

By Patrick Cullen
July 25, 1996

The only reliable clues available about Anne Wheathill’s life are those contained in her work, published in 1584. She describes herself as a gentlewoman, unmarried and a Protestant. She also refers to herself as poor and it has been suggested that she was one of a handful of women in Elizabeth I’...

Defences of Women: Jane Anger,  Rachel Speght, Ester Sowernam and Constantia Munda, Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 4

Defences of Women: Jane Anger, Rachel Speght, Ester Sowernam and Constantia Munda,: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 4

1st Edition

By Susan Gushee O'Malley
July 25, 1996

Jane Anger her Protection for Women A Mouzell for Melastomus Ester hath hang’d Haman The Worming of a mad Dogge Of the many tracts in defence of women published in early modern England only these four bear women’s names. All four were written in response to misogynist attacks. Of these writers, ...

Katherine Parr Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 3

Katherine Parr: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 3

1st Edition

By Janel Mueller
July 25, 1996

The sixth and last queen of Henry VIII, and friend of Anne Askew, Katherine Parr (c.1513-1548) has a threefold claim to recognition for her contribution to the literary culture of her time. First, as a loving and adept stepmother to the royal children, who took a directive role in their education;...

Margaret Tyler Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 8

Margaret Tyler: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 8

1st Edition

By Kathryn Coad
July 25, 1996

The biography of Margaret Tyler remains speculative. It is known that she served the Howard family (Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk) in some capacity. Her level of education has been described as ’amazing’ for a woman who was outside of the aristocracy and possibly a middle-class servant. Her ...

Mary Sidney Herbert Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 6

Mary Sidney Herbert: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 6

1st Edition

By Gary F. Waller
July 25, 1996

Mary Sidney (1562-1620), Countess of Pembroke, was born into one of England’s most prominent literary and political families. She was fluent in at least three languages and was an accomplished translator and poet. Her two translations from the French, A Discourse of Life and Death, by Philippe de...

Mary Wroth Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 10

Mary Wroth: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 10

1st Edition

By Josephine A. Roberts
July 25, 1996

Mary Wroth (1587-1653?) was niece and god-daughter of Mary Sidney Herbert. She was married in 1604 to Sir Robert Wroth with whom she joined the Court circle of James I. In 1618 she began work on her enormous prose romance The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania. The first known work of original ...

Susanne DuVerger Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 5

Susanne DuVerger: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series 1, Part One, Volume 5

1st Edition

By Jane Collins
July 25, 1996

The one work traditionally attributed to Susan DuVerger is her Admirable Events (1639) - a translation of a collection of novellas by Jean Pierre Camus, a French Catholic Bishop - which she dedicated to Queen Henrietta Maria. There is some evidence however to suggest that she was the author of ...

Printed Writings, 1500–1640: Series I, Part One 10 Volume Set

Printed Writings, 1500–1640: Series I, Part One: 10 Volume Set

1st Edition

By Betty S. Travitsky, Patrick Cullen
July 28, 1996

Printed Writings 1500-1640, Series I, Part One consists of ten volumes of writings by and about early modern Englishwomen. The set comprises the following titles: Volume 1: Anne Askew Volume 2: Literary Works by and attributed to Elizabeth Cary Volume 3: Katherine Parr Volume 4: Defences of Women:...

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