1680 Pages
    by Routledge


    (Valid until 3 months after publication)

    The Cold War dominated international politics between 1945 and 1990, when the two superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union, vied for supremacy. Their clash profoundly influenced the main trends of the time, including economic development, technological change, and decolonization. It divided Europe, with the fault line running through Germany. Although it never erupted into a major superpower conflagration, it was a vicious struggle that was often fought through proxies in the Third World, periodically flared into searing ‘limited’ conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, and occasionally produced the most dangerous international crises, particularly over Berlin and Cuba, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

    This new Routledge title is the first reference work authoritatively to draw together all the major works on this pivotal event. The first volume explores how historians and political scientists have approached the Cold War, from the early debates between those who sought to blame one of the two superpowers for starting it, to the findings in the 1990s that were based on newly available sources from the former communist bloc. The volume also makes sense of more recent efforts to examine its global, transnational, and cultural dynamics. The next three volumes are arranged chronologically, dealing in turn with the origins of the Cold War, 1945–53; the oscillating period of crisis and détente between 1953 and 1975; and the end of the Cold War, 1975–90. These three volumes collect a compelling mixture of classic and cutting-edge works. They gathered scholarship explores the story from above and below—from the perspective not just of Washington, Moscow, and Beijing, but also of the smaller players who sought to manipulate the superpowers for their own ends.

    The tightly focused organization of this collection will allow scholars quickly and easily to access both established and up-to-date assessments of the Cold War, and will also make for irresistible browsing. With a comprehensive introduction, providing essential background information and relating the various pieces to each other, Cold War Studies is destined to be an indispensable resource for research and study.


    Part 1: Historiography

    1. Louis B. Halle, The Cold War as History (Chatto & Windus, 1967), pp. 1–9.

    2. Charles Maier, ‘Revisionism and the Interpretation of Cold War Origins’, Perspectives in American History, 1970, 6, 313–47.

    3. John Lewis Gaddis, ‘The Emerging Post-Revisionist Synthesis and the Origins of the Cold War’, Diplomatic History, 1983, 7, 171–90.

    4. Geir Lundestad, ‘How (Not) to Study the Origins of the Cold War’, in Odd Arne Westad (ed.), Reviewing the Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory (Frank Cass, 2000), pp. 64–80.

    5. O. A. Westad, ‘The New International History of the Cold War’, Diplomatic History, 2000, 24, 551–65.

    6. Marc Trachtenberg, ‘New Light on the Cold War?’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2001, 12, 10–17.

    Part 2: Themes

    7. John Lewis Gaddis, ‘The Long Peace: Elements of Stability in the Post-War International System’, International Security, 1986, 10, 99–142.

    8. Mark Kramer, ‘Ideology and the Cold War’, Review of International Studies, 1999, 25, 539–79.

    9. Rana Mitter and Patrick Major, ‘East is East and West is West? Towards a Comparative Social History of the Cold War’, in Rana Mitter and Patrick Major (eds.), Across the Blocs: Cold War Cultural and Social History (Frank Cass, 2004), pp. 1–22.

    10. Volker Berghahn, ‘The Debate on "Americanization" Among Economic and Cultural Historians’, Cold War History, 2010, 10, 107–30.


    part 3: Breakdown of the Grand Alliance

    11. David Reynolds, ‘From World War to Cold War: The Wartime Alliance and Post-war Transitions, 1941–47’, Historical Journal, 2002, 45, 211–27.

    12. Geoffrey Roberts, ‘Sexing Up the Cold War: New Evidence from the Truman-Molotov Talks of 1945’, Cold War History, 2004, 4, 105–25.

    13. John Lewis Gaddis, The Long Peace: Inquiries into the History of the Cold War (Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 20–47.

    Part 4: Origins of the Cold War in Europe

    14. Melvyn Leffler, ‘The United States and the Strategic Dimensions of the Marshall Plan’, Diplomatic History, 1988, 12, 277–306.

    15. G. Lundestad, ‘Empire by Invitation? The United States and Western Europe 1945–52’, Journal of Peace Research, 1986, 23, 263–77.

    16. Vesselin Dimitrov, Stalin’s Cold War (Palgrave, 2008), pp. 181–204.

    Part 5: China, Korea, and the Origins of the Cold War in Asia

    17. Michael Schaller, ‘Securing the Great Crescent: Occupied Japan and the Origins of Containment in South-East Asia’, Journal of American History, 1982, 69, 392–414.

    18. Shen Zhihau, Mao, Stalin and the Korean War: Trilateral Communist Relations in the 1950s (Routledge, 2012), pp. 106–32.

    19. William Stueck, ‘The Korean War as International History’, Diplomatic History, 1986, 10, 291–309.

    20. Robert Jervis, ‘The Impact of the Korean War on the Cold War’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1980, 24, 563–92.

    Part 6: The Nuclear Arms Race

    21. Samuel J. Walker, ‘Recent Literature on Truman’s Atomic Bomb Decision: The Search for Middle Ground’, Diplomatic History, 2005, 29, 311–34.

    22. David Rosenberg, ‘The Origins of Overkill: Nuclear Weapons and American Strategy, 1945–69’, International Security, 1983, 7, 3–71.

    23. Vladislav Zubok and Hope Harrison, ‘The Nuclear Education of Nikita Khrushchev’, in John Lewis Gaddis, Philip H. Gordon, Ernest May, and Jonathan Rosenberg (eds.), Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb (Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 141–68.


    Part 7: The European Alliance Blocs

    24. Iver Neuman, ‘Soviet Policy Towards its European Allies’, in Arne Westad and Iver Neuman (eds.), The Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, 1945–1989 (St Martin’s Press, 1994), pp. 207–22.

    25. A. Stykalin, ‘The Hungarian Crisis of 1956’, Cold War History, 2001, 2, 113–44.

    26. Klaus Schwabe, ‘The Cold War and European Integration, 1947–63’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2001, 12, 18–34.

    27. Gottfried Niedhart, ‘The East-West Problem as Seen from Berlin: Willy Brandt’s Early Ostpolitik’, in Wilfried Loth (ed.), Europe, Cold War, and Coexistence, 1953–65 (Frank Cass, 2003), pp. 281–92.

    Part 8: Cold War Crises

    28. James Hershberg, ‘The Crisis Years, 1958–63’, in Odd Arne Westad (ed.), Reviewing the Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory (Frank Cass, 2000), pp. 303–25.

    29. Petr Lunak, ‘Khrushchev and the Berlin Crisis: Soviet Brinksmanship Seen from Inside’, Cold War History, 2003, 2, 53–82.

    30. Alexsandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, ‘One Hell of a Gamble’, The Secret History of the Cuban Missile Crisis (1997), pp. 166–83.

    31. Richard Ned LeBow, ‘Domestic Politics and the Cuban Missile Crisis: The Traditional and Revisionist Positions Reevaluated’, Diplomatic History, 1990, 14, 471–92.

    32. Mark Kramer, ‘Tactical Nuclear Weapons, Soviet Command Authority, and the Cuban Missile Crisis’, International History Review, 1993, 15, 740–51.

    Part 9: The Sino-Soviet Split

    33. Li Minjiang, ‘Ideological Dilemma: Mao’s China and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1962–63’, Cold War History, 2011, 11, 387–419.

    34. Y. Kuisong, ‘The Sino-Soviet Clash of 1969’, Cold War History, 2000, 1, 21–52.

    Part 10: Decolonization and Intervention

    35. Jason Parker, ‘Cold War II: The Eisenhower Administration, the Bandung Conference, and the Reperiodization of the Postwar Era’, Diplomatic History, 2006, 30, 867–92.

    36. Iya V. Gaiduk, ‘Soviet Cold War Strategy and Prospects of Revolution in South and Southeast Asia’ in Christopher Goscha and Christian Ostermann (eds.), Connecting Histories: Decolonization and the Cold War in Southeast Asia 1945–1962 (Stanford University Press, 2009), ch. 5.

    37. Geraint Hughes, ‘The Cold War and Counterinsurgency’, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 2011, 22, 142–63.

    Part 11: The Middle East

    38. Galia Golan, ‘The Soviet Union and the Outbreak of the June 1967 Six Day War’, Journal of Cold War Studies, 2006, 8, 3–19.

    39. Peter Hahn, ‘The Cold War and the Six Day War: US Policy Towards the Arab-Israeli Crisis of June 1967’, in Nigel Ashton (ed.), The Cold War and the Middle East: Regional Conflict and the Superpowers (Routledge, 2007), pp. 16–34.

    Part 12: Vietnam

    40. Francis Bator, ‘No Good Choices: LBJ and the Vietnam/Great Society Connection’, Diplomatic History, 2008, 32, 309–40.

    41. Frederick Logevall, ‘Response to No Good Choices’, Diplomatic History, 2008, 32, 355–9.

    42. George C. Herring, ‘Fighting Without Allies: The International Dimensions of America’s Defeat in Vietnam’, in Gilbert, Marc (ed.), Why the North Won the Vietnam War (2002), pp. 77–96.

    43. Jeffrey Kimball, ‘Nixon’s Nuclear Alert: Vietnam War Diplomacy and the JCS Readiness Test’, Cold War History, 2003, 2, 113–56.

    44. Robert McMahon, ‘The Politics, and Geopolitics, of American Troop Withdrawals from Vietnam, 1968–72’, Diplomatic History, 2010, 34, 471–84.


    Part 13: Détente: Origins and Development

    45. Vojtech Mastny, ‘Détente, the Superpowers and Their Allies’, in Wilfried Loth, Europe, Cold War, and Coexistence, 1953–65 (Frank Cass, 2003), pp. 213–33.

    46. Richard Crockatt, The Fifty Years War: The United States and the Soviet Union in World Politics, 1941–1991 (Routledge, 1995), pp. 207–34.

    47. Jussi M. Hanhimäki, ‘Conservative Goals, Revolutionary Outcomes: The Paradox of Détente’, Cold War History, 2008, 8, 4, 503–12.

    48. Kuisong Yang and Yafeng Xia, ‘Vacillating Between Revolution and Détente: Mao’s Changing Psyche and Policy Toward the United States’, Diplomatic History, 2010, 34, 395–423.

    49. Vladislav Zubok, ‘The Soviet Union and the Détente of the 1970s’, Cold War History, 2008, 8, 427–47.

    50. Gottfried Niedhart, ‘The Role of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Process of Détente’, in Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, and Detlef Junker, 1968: The World Transformed (Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 173–92.

    51. Jeremi Suri, ‘Détente and Human Rights: American and West European Perspectives on International Change’, Cold War History, 2008, 8, 527–45.

    52. Sarah Snyder, ‘Through the Looking Glass: The Helsinki Final Act and the 1976 Election for President’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2010, 21, 87–106.

    Part 14: The Cold War Reheated

    53. Roger E. Kanet, ‘The Superpower Quest for Empire: The Cold War and the Soviet Union’s Support for "Wars of National Liberation"’, Cold War History, 2006, 6, 331–52.

    54. Arne Westad, The Global Cold War (Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 250–87.

    55. Fred Halliday, ‘Soviet Foreign Policymaking and the Afghanistan War: From "Second Mongolia" to "Bleeding Wound"’, Review of International Studies, 1999, 25, 675–91.

    56. Vojtech Mastny, ‘How Able was Able Archer: Nuclear Trigger and Intelligence in Perspective’, Journal of Cold War Studies, 2009, 11, 108–23.

    57. John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations (Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 119–32.

    58. James Wilson, ‘How Grand Was Reagan’s Strategy?’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2007, 18, 773–803.

    Part 15: The End of the Cold War

    59. William Jackson, ‘Soviet Behavior in the Cold War’, International History Review, 1998, 20, 389–401.

    60. Archie Brown, ‘Perestroika and the End of the Cold War’, Cold War History, 2007, 7, 1–17.

    61. Walter D. Connor, ‘Soviet Society, Public Attitudes, and the Perils of Gorbachev’s Reforms: The Soviet Context of the End of the Cold War’, Journal of Cold War Studies, 2003, 5, 43–80.

    62. Geir Lundestad, ‘"Imperial Overstretch", Mikhail Gorbachev, and the End of the Cold War’, Cold War History, 2010, 10, 1–20.

    63. Vojtech Mastny, ‘Did Gorbachev Liberate Eastern Europe?’, in Olav Njolstad (ed.), The Last Decade of the Cold War: From Conflict Escalation to Conflict Transformation (Frank Cass, 2004), pp. 402–23.

    64. Kristina Spohr, ‘German Unification: Between Official History, Academic Scholarship, and Political Memoirs’, Historical Journal, 2000, 3, 869–88.