1st Edition

The Anatomy of Tudor Literature Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Tudor Symposium (1998)

By Mike Pincombe Copyright 2001

    This title was first published in 2001. Is there such a thing as "Tudor literature"? The question is the theme that binds the essays in this collection. Scholars from around the world address the question of whether there is a sense of continuity in the literature of the Tudor century. The volume begins by looking at early Tudor writers, such as Thomas More, and then moves on to look at Elizabethan poetry and prose, ending by covering the late Tudor dramas, and Shakespeare.

    Acknowledgements, A Note on Presentation, Abbreviations, Introduction - Tudor Literature: Drab or Tarnished?, PART I: EARLIER TUDOR LITERATURE, 1. Subversion in The Towneley Cycle: Strategies for Evil, 2. Sceptical Historiography: Thomas More's History of Richard III, 3. 'To Seek the Place Where I Myself Had Lost': Acts of Memory in the Poetry of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, 4. William Turner's Religious Polemic as a Polyvalent Cultural Intervention, 5. 'As a Shadow to a Body': Heresy, Treason and the Law in the Sixteenth Century, 6. The Earliest Tudor Witch in Print: The Examination of John Walsh, PART II: ELIZABETHAN POETRY AND PROSE, 7. Revenge of the Angel Gabriel: Harvey's 'A Nobleman's Suit to a Country Maid', 8. Late Tudor Narrative Voice(s): Philip Sidney and Barnaby Rich, 9. Remapping Elizabethan Court Poetry, 10. 'Philip's Phoenix'?: Mary Sidney Herbert and the Identity of Author, 11. Veiling Medusa: Arthur's Shield in The Fairy Queen, 12. Fashioning a Tudor Body: Civility and State-Formation in The Fairy Queen and A View of the Present State of Ireland, PART III: SHAKESPEARE AND THE DRAMA, 13. The British Myth in Tudor Drama, 14. Of Clothing and Coinage, 15. Shakespeare's Henry V: Tudor or Jacobean?, 16. The Role of Body Images in the Tudor Myth and its Subversion in Shakespeare's History Plays, 17. 'Since Forged Invention Former Time Defaced': Representing Tudor History in the 1590s, Notes on Contributors, Bibliography of Secondary Sources, Index


    Pincombe, Mike