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Studies in Labour History: Studies in Labour History

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17 Series Titles

Per Page

Centuries of Child Labour European Experiences from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century

Centuries of Child Labour: European Experiences from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century

1st Edition

By Marjatta Rahikainen
June 29, 2017

Most historical studies of child labour have tended to confirm a narrative which witnesses the gradual disappearance of child labour in Western Europe as politicians and social reformers introduced successive legislation, gradually removing children from the workplace. This approach fails to ...

Early Trade Unionism Fraternity, Skill and the Politics of Labour

Early Trade Unionism: Fraternity, Skill and the Politics of Labour

1st Edition

By Malcolm Chase
February 11, 2000

Once the heartland of British labour history, trade unionism has been marginalised in much recent scholarship. In a critical survey from the earliest times to the nineteenth century, this book argues for its reinstatement. Trade unionism is shown to be both intrinsically important and to provide a ...

Transnational Labour History Explorations

Transnational Labour History: Explorations

1st Edition

By Marcel van der Linden
May 16, 2017

There has been a growing recognition amongst scholars that labour historians need to look beyond national borders in order to place the history of the working classes into a much broader context than has hitherto been the case. Whilst studies focused on individual countries are essential, it is ...

Contested Sites Commemoration, Memorial and Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Contested Sites: Commemoration, Memorial and Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain

1st Edition

By Paul A. Pickering, Alex Tyrrell
February 27, 2017

The second half of the nineteenth century witnessed a new phenomenon in public monuments and civic ornamentation. Whereas in former times public statuary had customarily been reserved for 'warriors and statesmen, kings and rulers of men', a new trend was emerging for towns to commemorate their own ...

Jewish Workers and the Labour Movement A Comparative Study of Amsterdam, London and Paris 1870-1914

Jewish Workers and the Labour Movement: A Comparative Study of Amsterdam, London and Paris 1870-1914

1st Edition

By Karin Hofmeester
March 06, 2017

During the late nineteenth century, many Jewish workers and intellectuals considered their integration into the general labour movement as a good way to counter the double disadvantage they suffered in society as Jews and workers. Whilst in Amsterdam this process encountered few obstacles, it was ...

Towards a Comparative History of Coalfield Societies

Towards a Comparative History of Coalfield Societies

1st Edition

By Andy Croll, Stefan Berger
March 29, 2017

Few areas of labour history have received as much attention as the coal industry, with miners often finding themselves at the centre of studies on working-class political and industrial history. Yet whilst much has been written about the struggles of miners and their unions in particular countries,...

Women and Work Culture Britain c.1850–1950

Women and Work Culture: Britain c.1850–1950

1st Edition

Edited By Krista Cowman, Louise A. Jackson
March 29, 2017

Women's work has proved to be an important and lively subject of debate for historians. An earlier focus on the pay, conditions and occupational opportunities of predominantly blue-collar working-class women has now been joined by an interest in other social groups (white-collar workers, clerical ...

English Farmworkers and Local Patriotism, 1900–1930

English Farmworkers and Local Patriotism, 1900–1930

1st Edition

By Nicholas Mansfield
October 26, 2016

This new study looks at the ways in which the years surrounding the First World War shaped the lives of the rural workforce in Britain and how the patriotism unleashed by the war was used by those in power to blur class divisions and build conservative attitudes in rural communities. Using the area...

Female Labour Power: Women Workers’ Influence on Business Practices in the British and American Cotton Industries, 1780–1860

Female Labour Power: Women Workers’ Influence on Business Practices in the British and American Cotton Industries, 1780–1860

1st Edition

By Janet Greenlees
November 15, 2016

Britain and America were the first two countries with mechanised cotton manufacturing industries, the first major factory systems of production and the first major employers of women outside of the domestic environment. The combination of being new wage earners in the first trans-national industry ...

The Invisible Woman Aspects of Women's Work in Eighteenth-Century Britain

The Invisible Woman: Aspects of Women's Work in Eighteenth-Century Britain

1st Edition

By Isabelle Baudino, Jacques Carré
November 10, 2016

Most social historians writing about working women in pre-nineteenth century Britain have tended to concentrate on fairly large groups, such as factory workers or domestic servants, often in an attempt to reach some conclusions regarding their standards of living and social position. Another ...

The NUM and British Politics Volume 1: 1944-1968

The NUM and British Politics: Volume 1: 1944-1968

1st Edition

By Andrew Taylor
November 15, 2016

From its formation in 1944, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) was one of the most powerful and important players on the British political and industrial stage. Whilst the nation relied upon coal for its electricity production, domestic heating and railway transportation, the miners and their...

The NUM and British Politics Volume 2: 1969–1995

The NUM and British Politics: Volume 2: 1969–1995

1st Edition

By Andrew Taylor
November 28, 2016

This book is the second of two volumes examining the place of the National Union of Mineworkers in post-war British politics. Covering the years 1969 to 1995, it charts reactions to the pit closures programme of the late 1950s and 1960s and the development of the NUM's reputation as the union that ...

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