1st Edition

Storm Water Discharges Regulatory Compliance and Best Management Practices

By Mark S. Dennison Copyright 1996

    Filled with tables, checklists, worksheets, and sample plans, Storm Water Discharges is a unique, nontechnical guide to the full spectrum of storm water issues. Written in a language accessible to everyone, this guide offers a practical, nuts-and-bolts approach to compliance with EPA's complex storm water discharge requirements. In addition to a step-by-step treatment of regulatory requirements, the book also focuses on the technological aspects of compliance, from storm water sampling to estimating discharge flow rates and volumes. Its coverage of the storm water permit process is comprehensive and includes the types of permits in existence, how to submit a permit, and technical guidance on the sampling and monitoring requirements needed to obtain a permit. This is an excellent guide for all firms - and individuals within firms - required by law to meet strict discharge requirements.

    Nature of Storm Water Pollution
    Scope of the Storm Water Problem
    Pollutants in Storm Water and Associated Impacts
    Storm Water Control Practices
    Storm Water Discharge Regulation
    Clean Water Act NPDES Permit Program
    EPA's Storm Water Program
    Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Programs
    Storm Water Permit Process
    Individual Permits
    Group Permits
    General Permits
    Pollution Prevention Plan Requirements
    Technical Guidance for Storm Water Permit Applications
    Storm Water Sampling
    Identification of Outfalls to be Monitored
    Estimates of Discharge Flow Rates and Volumes
    Collecting Storm Water Discharge Samples
    Pollution Prevention Plan Development and Implementation
    Pollution Prevention Plan Development
    Pollution Source Assessment
    Best Management Practices Identification
    Baseline BMPs
    Pollution Prevention Plan Implementation
    Plan Evaluation and Revision
    Plan Administration
    Special Requirements
    Pollution Prevention Plan Worksheets
    Industry-Specific BMPs
    Metal Finishing Industry
    Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers (OCPSF) Manufacturing
    Textiles Manufacturing
    Pulp and Paper Products Manufacturing
    Pesticides Formulation
    Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
    Primary Metals Manufacturing
    Petroleum Refining
    Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing
    Activity-Specific BMPs
    Fueling Station Activities
    Maintaining Vehicles and Equipment
    Painting Vehicles and Equipment
    Washing Vehicles and Equipment
    Loading and Unloading Vehicles
    Liquid Storage in Aboveground Tanks
    Industrial Waste Management and Outside Manufacturing
    Outside Storage of Raw Materials, By-Products, or Finished Products
    Salt Storage Facilities
    Flow Diversion, Exposure Minimization, and Mitigation Practices
    Flow Diversion Practices
    Exposure Minimization Practices
    Mitigation Practices
    Additional Preventive Practices
    Erosion Prevention, Sediment Control, and Infiltration Practices
    Vegetative Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Practices
    Structural Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Practices
    Infiltration Practices
    Glossary of Terms
    Federal and State Storm Water Regulatory Offices
    Sample Pollution Prevention Plan


    Mark S. Dennison