1st Edition

Sources of International Law

Edited By Martti Koskenniemi Copyright 2000

    A collection of essays on the various aspects of the legal sources of international law, including theories of the origin of international law, explanation of its binding force, normative hierarchies and the relation of international law and politics.

    Contents: Sources Theory: Towards a theory of international obligation, Oscar Schachter; What is international law and how do we tell it when we see it?, Robert Y. Jennings; Some problems regarding the formal sources of international law, Gerald G. Fitzmaurice; Theses about international law discourse, David Kennedy. Relative Normality: Towards relative normativity in international law, Prosper Weil; Relative normativity in international law, Ulrich Fastenrath; The redundancy of soft law, Jan Klabbers; In defence of relative normativity: communitarian values and the Nicaragua case, John Tasioulas. Customary Law: Custom as a source of international law, Michael Akehurst; Human rights as norms of customary international law, Anthony D'Amato; The approach of the different drummer: the principle of the persistent objector in international law, Ted L. Stein. General Principles and Equity: General principles: reflections on constructivist thinking in international law, Martti Koskenniemi; The role of equity in international law, Vaughan Lowe. The Completeness of the Law: Some observations on the prohibition of 'non liquet' and the completeness of the law, Hersch Lauterpacht; 'Non liquet' and the function of the law in the international community, Julius Stone; International lawmaking: a process of communication: The Harold D. Lasswell Memorial Lecture, W. Michael Reisman; Imagined consent; democratic liberalism in international legal theory, Gerry J. Simpson; Faith, identity and the killing of the innocent: international lawyers and nuclear weapons, Martti Koskenniemi; Name index.


    Martti Koskenniemi