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Society for Old Testament Study: Society for Old Testament Study

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10 Series Titles

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'There's such Divinity doth Hedge a King' Selected Essays of Nicolas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature

'There's such Divinity doth Hedge a King': Selected Essays of Nicolas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature

1st Edition

By Nicolas Wyatt
June 07, 2019

The ideology of power is as much a part of modern life as in the ancient world, in which it has its long-lasting roots. Communities have always provided a supernatural sanction for the maintenance of power by the few, often dressing it up in elaborate mythic fictions, rich iconography and complex ...

Samuel at the Threshold Selected Works of Graeme Auld

Samuel at the Threshold: Selected Works of Graeme Auld

1st Edition

By Graeme Auld
June 07, 2019

In this book, Graeme Auld brings together his work relating to Samuel and the Former Prophets in an invaluable single volume. Including 'Prophets through the Looking Glass', which has been described as marking a paradigm shift in our thinking about the Bible's 'writing prophets', and which led the...

The Personification of Wisdom

The Personification of Wisdom

1st Edition

By Alice M. Sinnott
May 16, 2017

This book examines the personification of Wisdom as a female figure - a central motif in Proverbs, Job, Sirach, Wisdom and Baruch. Alice M. Sinnott identifies how and why the complex character of Wisdom was introduced into the Israelite tradition, and created and developed by Israelite/Jewish ...

Saul and the Monarchy: A New Look

Saul and the Monarchy: A New Look

1st Edition

By Simcha Shalom Brooks
February 27, 2017

The negative biblical presentation of King Saul of Israel has been biased in favour of David at the expense of Saul. This book presents a more positive picture and more realistic view of the culture of the period extending from Saul to the schism. Simcha Shalom Brooks explores a number of ...

Wisdom: The Collected Articles of Norman Whybray

Wisdom: The Collected Articles of Norman Whybray

1st Edition

By Margaret Barker, Katharine J. Dell
January 20, 2005

This collection of articles confirms Norman Whybray's place as one of the foremost contributors to scholarship on wisdom literature in the last three decades of the twentieth century. A former President of the Society for Old Testament Study, and winner of the British Academy's Burkitt Medal, ...

Mythology and Lament Studies in the Oracles about the Nations

Mythology and Lament: Studies in the Oracles about the Nations

1st Edition

By John B. Geyer
February 27, 2017

The oracles about the nations in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel originate in the ancient Laments. Ultimately, they were preserved because of their relevance to the Year of Jubilee, with its origins in the New Year Festival; this study illuminates their intention. In Mythology and Lament, John Geyer ...

Hebrew Life and Literature Selected Essays of Bernhard Lang

Hebrew Life and Literature: Selected Essays of Bernhard Lang

1st Edition

By Bernhard Lang
December 28, 2008

Bernhard Lang, known for his contributions over several decades to biblical anthropology, offers in this volume a selection of essays on the life and literature of the ancient Hebrews. The subjects range from the Hebrew God, the world-view of the Bible, and the formation of the scriptural canon, to...

Contradiction in the Book of Proverbs The Deep Waters of Counsel

Contradiction in the Book of Proverbs: The Deep Waters of Counsel

1st Edition

By Peter Hatton
August 28, 2008

Despite the welcome revival of scholarly interest in Biblical Wisdom, the Book of Proverbs remains neglected. It continues to be seen as a disorganised repository of traditional banalities, while Job and Qohelet are viewed as more exciting texts, in revolt against Proverbs' conventional wisdom. ...

Text, Translation, Theology Selected Essays on the Hebrew Bible

Text, Translation, Theology: Selected Essays on the Hebrew Bible

1st Edition

By Bertil Albrektson
January 11, 2010

Text, translation, theology - the three nouns in the title indicate the main fields of Old Testament study which are covered in this collection of essays. Text refers both to the history of biblical texts and to problems of textual criticism. Translation of the Hebrew Bible as a philological task ...

'The Unconquered Land' and Other Old Testament Essays Selected Studies by Rudolf Smend

'The Unconquered Land' and Other Old Testament Essays: Selected Studies by Rudolf Smend

1st Edition

Edited By Edward Ball, Margaret Barker
April 17, 2013

This final book published in the Ashgate SOTS monograph series collects together for the first time in English translation a selection of important essays on central themes and texts in Old Testament criticism and exegesis by Rudolf Smend, one of the world's most eminent senior scholars in the ...

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