304 Pages
    by Routledge

    316 Pages
    by Routledge

    This is the ideal companion for those needing guidance when carrying out a research project in a management or a business-related subject. The text is succinct and concise, written with modular courses in mind for the reader to quickly gain an overall perspective of the fundamental areas and identify the key points that need to be addressed. This clear and practical book also covers the requirements of more general areas of business research and consultancy. New to this edition is a chapter devoted to the analysis of qualitative data - an area many students find they want to focus on. A new accompanying student website also gives practical guidance on some of the problems students face: assistance with writing a research proposal; the structure of a dissertation; collecting data - how much is enough; citing references; links to other resources.

    Dissertations and projects form an integral part of many MBA and degree programmes and this text is invaluable when tackling this area for the first time. The authors approach the research task in a step-by-step manner, covering areas such as data collection, observational methods, and data analysis.

    Managing your development as a manager
    Introduction to research in management
    Management consultancy and research
    The consultancy research process
    Overview of data collection: approaches, methods and techniques
    Data collection: secondary data
    Data collection: observational research
    Data collection: experimental, quasi-experimental and action research
    Data collection: asking questions
    Analysing data: nature and purpose
    Analysing qualitative data
    Actioning research
    Activity solutions
    Reference and further reading


    David Crowther, Geoff Lancaster