1st Edition

Reforming International Institutions Another World is Possible

By UBUNTU Forum Secretariat Copyright 2010
    320 Pages
    by Routledge

    320 Pages
    by Routledge

    There is now considerable unanimity that international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), Bretton Woods Institutions and the international economic architecture need to be reformed in order to achieve greater democratic governance to tackle the myriad of challenges facing the world.

    Written by leading members of the international community under the auspices of the World Forum of Civil Society Networks - UBUNTU, this book provides a diverse and rich resource on all aspects of the reform of international organizations. The book introduces the reader to the main organizations of the international multilateral system, presents proposals for reform and provides an analysis of the political action required to achieve global democratic governance.

    Part A. The World Campaign: Context and stages 1. By way of introduction: The World Forum of Civil Society Networks - UBUNTU, Democratic Worldwide Governance and the World Campaign for In-Depth Reform of the System of International Institutions 2. The World Campaign for In-Depth Reform of the System of International Institutions Part B. Analysis 3. Analysis of the evolution of the proposals for the Reform of the System of International Institutions 4. World Democratic Governance 5. The 2006 war in Lebanon and the role of the United Nations Part C. The Proposals - In General 6. Proposals for the Reform of the System of International Institutions. Future Scenarios 7. Proposals for the Reform of the System of International Institutions to make another world possible - The London Declaration' 8. Reforming the UN and other International Institutions Part D. The Proposals - Arranged by Themes 9. Concerning two international conferences, two different yet complementary momentums for progress along the analytical and propositive path towards the in-depth reform of our international institutions 10. Proposals for a new architecture for the system of international institutions for democratic worldwide governance 11. Proposals on reforming the General Assembly of the UN and the World Parliament 12. Proposals on institutional reforms for peace, disarmament, security for people, global justice and human rights 13. Proposals on institutional reforms for world social, environmental and economic wellbeing; or the dialectics of development, the environment, finance, and trade 14. An 'Open Letter to the new Secretary-General of the UN: Mr Ban Ki-moon'1 and the three broad issues in a process of in-depth reform of the system of international institutions 15. A multi-actor socio-political, global movement for global democratic governance


    UBUNTU is the World Forum of Civil Society Networks. Its main objective is to build bridges of dialogue and communication amongst national and international institutions which are focused on promoting peace, endogenous development, dignity and human rights..

    'Neither 'business as usual' nor the 'status quo ante' are acceptable options. This UBUNTU book makes an important contribution to informing the increasingly urgent debate around creating the conditions for a much more just, democratic and sustainable world.' Jomo Kwame Sundaram, UN Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development. 'Reforming international institutions is an idea whose time has come, and the UBUNTU Forum is well placed to keep the momentum going. Its approach is inclusive, non-confrontational, and most likely to convince political leaders, senior officials from international organizations and civil society activists to work together to achieve a common goal: a safer, healthier, better world, for all to enjoy and leave to their children.' C cile Molinier, Director, UNDP Office in Geneva. 'This incredible ensemble of influential global citizens tells us how to fix our broken or obsolete institutions and systems...Certainly worth a read for any outraged or aspiring good global citizen.' Ramesh Singh, Chief Executive, ActionAid International. '...provides a comprehensive overview of the current reform discussions and their history, as well as an array of suggestions.' Christoph Schwarte, Staff Lawyer, Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development