In these works Professor Jordan studies the origins of modern social and cultural institutions in England. He is concerned with the momentous shift which occurred in men's aspirations for their society in the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, as reflected in the charities which were established by gifts and bequests. In a fascinating account of the measures taken by the Tudors and Stuarts to deal with the problem of poverty, Jordan concludes that it was principally dealt relieved by an immense outpouring of charitable wealth.

    Chapter 1 The City and its People; Chapter 2 General Comments on the Data; Chapter 3 The Aspirations of Women Donors; Chapter 4 The Web of Parishes; Chapter 5 The Structure of Class Aspirations; Chapter 6 The Achievements of the Age; Chapter 7 London and the Nation;


    W.K. Jordan Professor of History, Harvard University