1st Edition

Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain Identities and Influences

By Richard Hitchcock Copyright 2008

    The setting of this volume is the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, where Christianity and Islam co-existed side by side as the official religions of Muslim al-Andalus on the one hand, and the Christian kingdoms in the north of the peninsula on the other. Its purpose is to examine the meaning of the word 'Mozarab' and the history and nature of the people called by that name; it represents a synthesis of the author's many years of research and publication in this field. Richard Hitchcock first sets out to explain what being a non-Muslim meant in al-Andalus, both in the higher echelons of society and at a humbler level. The terms used by Arab chroniclers, when examined carefully, suggest a lesser preoccupation with purely religious values than hitherto appreciated. Mozarabism in León and Toledo, two notably distinct phenomena, are then considered at length, and there are two chapters exploring the issues that arose, firstly when Mozarabs were relocated in twelfth-century Aragón, and secondly, in sixteenth-century Toledo, when they were striving to retain their identity.

    Introduction; Chapter 1 Meaning and Origins; Chapter 2 Muslims and Christians in al-Andalus in the Early Eighth Century; Chapter 3 The Case of Córdoba in the Ninth Century; Chapter 4 Christians in Córdoba; Chapter 5 Mozarabism in León I; Chapter 6 Mozarabism in León II; Chapter 7 Mozarabs in Toledo; Chapter 8 Mozarabs in Aragón; Chapter 9 Mozarabs after 1492; Chapter 101 Postscript;


    Richard Hitchcock is Professor Emeritus of Hispano-Arabic Studies at the University of Exeter, UK.

    ’This is a thought-provoking study...Recommended.’ Choice ’Overall this is a highly engaging and thought-provoking book.’ Medium Aevum ’With the publication of this book, Hitchcock has produced an important work that allows scholars to question deeply held traditions surrounding the Mozarabs in medieval and early modern Spain.’ The Medieval Review 'Hitchcock's book is required reading for anybody interested in the history of Spain or the co-existence of religious communities tout court.' Bulletin of Hispanic Studies