1st Edition

Modernity Critical Concepts in Sociology

Edited By Malcolm Waters
    2080 Pages
    by Routledge

    For the first time the historically significant accounts of modernity have been brought together, including essays by the main thinkers, such as Marx, Parsons, Mannheim, Giddens, Bourdieu and Adorno, as well as previously unseen material by lesser known figures. Modernity: Critical Concepts provides academics, students and researchers with the most comprehensive collection of material available and is aimed at all those seeking further information both within and beyond their own areas of interest. The articles included have been arranged into four volumes:
    * Modernization
    * Cultural Modernity
    * Modern Systems
    * After Modernity
    The concept of modernity is central to sociology, philosophy and cultural studies and is used as a critique of numerous traditions and disciplines including economics, politics, ethics, selfhood and knowledge.

    Volume I: Modernization  Appendix: Chronological Table of Reprinted Articles General Commentary: The Meaning of Modernity  Section 1: Distinguishing Modern from Traditional Societies  Commentary  1. Social Types and Constitutions  Herbert Spencer  2. Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft  Ferdinand Tonnies  3. The Folk Society Robert Redfield  4. The Division of Labor  Emile Durkheim  5. The Rise of Modern Society Krishan Kumar  6. Evolutionary Universals in Society  Talcott Parsons  7. Social Change, Differentiation and Evolution  S.N. Eisenstadt  8. Towards a Theory of Modernization  Neil J. Smelser  9. Differentiation, Rationalization, Interpenetration: The Emergence of Modern Society  Richard Munich  Section 2: The Rise of Capitalism Commentary 10. Pre-capitalist Economic Formations  Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 11. The Wealth of Nations  Adam Smith  12. The Communist Manifesto  Karl Marx  13. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism  R.H. Tawney  14. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism  Max Weber  15. Conflicting Interpretations of the Rise of Capitalism: Marx and Weber  N. Birnbaum  16. Marx, Weber and the Development of Capitalism  Anthony Giddens  Section 3: Diffusion and Convergence  Commentary 17. The Modern World-System  Immanuel Wallerstein  18. Industrialization and Social Change  Wilbert E. Moore  19. The Logic of Industrialism  Clark Kerr, John T. Dunlop, Frederick H. Harbison and Charles A. Myers  20. Social Stratification in Industrial Society  John H. Goldthorpe  21. Contrasting Factors in the Modernization of China and Japan  Marion J. Levy Jr  22. Preconditions of Development: A Comparison of Japan and Germany  Reinhard Bendix  23. An East Asian Development Model  Peter Berger 24. The Modern Constellation and the Japanese Enigma  Johann P. Arnason  Volume II: Cultural Modernity  Section 4: Modern Lifeworlds Commentary  25. The World Demographic Transition  Kingsley Davis  26. Industrialization and Family Change William J. Goode  27. The Metropolis and Mental Life  Georg Simmel  28. Urbanism as a Way of Life  Louis Wirth  29. Urbanism and Suburbanism as Ways of Life  H.J. Gans 30. Modernity and its Discontents  Peter L. Berger, Brigitte Berger and Hansfried Kellner  31. A Model of the Modern Man  Alex Inkeles  32. Gender and the Division of Labour  Michelle Barratt  33. Rethinking Women's Oppression  Joanna Brenner and Maria Ramas  34. Theorising Patriarchy  Sylvia Walby  35. Modernity and Self-Identity Anthony Giddens  Section 5: Beliefs and Ideology  Commentary  36. Religious Evolution  Robert N. Bellah  37. 'Secularisation and its Discontents'  Bryan Wilson  38. Cultural Aspects of the Modern World-System  Frank J. Lechner  39. Understanding Traditional and Modern Patterns of Consumption in Eighteenth-Century England  Colin Campbell  40. Consumer Culture, Postmodernism and Global Disorder  Mike Featherstone  41. The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception  Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno  42. Television: The Timid Giant  Marshall McLuhan 43. The Mass News Media Systemic, Historical and Comparative Perspective Jeffrey C. Alexander  44. Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction  Pierre Bourdieu  45. Diseases of Science Derek J. de Solla Price  46. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism  Daniel Bell 47. The Cultural of Modernity  Nicholas Abercrombie and Stephen Hill and Bryan S. Turner  48. Changes in the Configuration of the Utopian Mentality: Its Stages in Modern Times  Karl Mannheim  Volume III: Modern Systems Section 6: Economic Modernity Commentary 49. The Moder