1st Edition

Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Porous Media Applications in Geosciences

    370 Pages
    by CRC Press

    370 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Porous media are broadly found in nature and their study is of high relevance in our present lives. In geosciences porous media research is fundamental in applications to aquifers, mineral mines, contaminant transport, soil remediation, waste storage, oil recovery and geothermal energy deposits. Despite their importance, there is as yet no complete understanding of the physical processes involved in fluid flow and transport. This fact can be attributed to the complexity of the phenomena which include multicomponent fluids, multiphasic flow and rock-fluid interactions. Since its formulation in 1856, Darcy’s law has been generalized to describe multi-phase compressible fluid flow through anisotropic and heterogeneous porous and fractured rocks. Due to the scarcity of information, a high degree of uncertainty on the porous medium properties is commonly present. Contributions to the knowledge of modeling flow and transport, as well as to the characterization of porous media at field scale are of great relevance. This book addresses several of these issues, treated with a variety of methodologies grouped into four parts:

    I Fundamental concepts
    II Flow and transport
    III Statistical and stochastic characterization
    IV Waves

    The problems analyzed in this book cover diverse length scales that range from small rock samples to field-size porous formations. They belong to the most active areas of research in porous media with applications in geosciences developed by diverse authors.

    This book was written for a broad audience with a prior and basic knowledge of porous media. The book is addressed to a wide readership, and it will be useful not only as an authoritative textbook for undergraduate and graduate students but also as a reference source for professionals including geoscientists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists, engineers, applied mathematicians and others working on porous media.

    About the book series
    Editorial board of the book series
    About the editors

    Section 1: Fundamental concepts

    1 Relative permeability
    (T.J.T. Spanos)
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Darcy’s equation
    1.3 Heterogeneity
    1.4 Lubrication theory
    1.5 Multiphase flow in porous media
    1.6 Dispersion
    1.7 Few comments about the associated thermodynamics
    1.8 Conclusions
    1.A Appendix
    1.A.1 Solid properties
    1.A.2 Fluid properties
    1.A.3 Reciprocity

    2 From upscaling techniques to hybrid models
    (I. Battiato & D.M. Tartakovsky)
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 From first principles to effective equations
    2.2.1 Classification of upscaling methods
    2.2.2 Flow: From Stokes to Darcy/Brinkman equations
    2.2.3 Transport: From advection-diffusion to advection-dispersion equation
    2.3 Applicability range of macroscopic models for reactive systems
    2.3.1 Diffusion-reaction equations: mixing-induced precipitation processes
    2.3.2 Preliminaries
    2.3.3 Upscaling via volume averaging
    2.3.4 Advection-diffusion-reaction equation
    2.4 Hybrid models for transport in porous media
    2.4.1 Intrusive hybrid algorithm
    2.4.2 Taylor dispersion in a fracture with reactive walls
    2.4.3 Hybrid algorithm
    2.4.4 Numerical results
    2.4.5 Non-intrusive hybrid algorithm
    2.5 Conclusions

    3 A tensorial formulation in four dimensions of thermoporoelastic phenomena
    (M.C. Suarez Arriaga)
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Theoretical and experimental background
    3.3 Model of isothermal poroelasticity
    3.4 Thermoporoelasticity model
    3.5 Dynamic poroelastic equations
    3.6 The finite element method in the solution of the thermoporoelastic equations
    3.7 Solution of the model for particular cases
    3.8 Discussion of results
    3.9 Conclusions

    Section 2: Flow and transport

    4 New method for estimation of physical parameters in oil reservoirs by using tracer test flow models in Laplace space
    (J. Ramírez-Sabag, O.C. Valdiviezo-Mijangos & M. Coronado)
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Numerical laplace transformation of sample data
    4.3 The laplace domain optimization procedure
    4.4 The real domain optimization procedure
    4.5 The optimization method
    4.6 The validation procedure
    4.6.1 Employed mathematical models
    4.6.2 Generation of synthetic data
    4.6.3 Result with synthetic data
    4.7 Reservoir data cases
    4.7.1 A homogeneous reservoir (Loma Alta Sur)
    4.7.2 A fractured reservoir (Wairakei field)
    4.8 Summary and concluding remarks

    5 Dynamic porosity and permeability modification due to microbial growth using a coupled flow and transport model in porous media
    (M.A. Díaz-Viera &A. Moctezuma-Berthier)
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 The flow and transport model
    5.2.1 Conceptual model
    5.2.2 Mathematical model
    5.2.3 Numerical model
    5.2.4 Computational model
    5.3 Numerical simulations
    5.3.1 Reference study case description: a waterflooding test in a core
    5.3.2 Modeling of secondary recovery by water injection
    5.3.3 Modeling of enhanced recovery by water injection with microorganisms and nutrients
    5.3.4 Porosity and permeability modification due to microbial activity
    5.4 Final remarks

    6 Inter-well tracer test models for underground formations having conductive faults: development of a numerical model and comparison against analytical models
    (M. Coronado, J. Ramírez-Sabag & O. Valdiviezo-Mijangos)
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Description of the analytical models
    6.2.1 The closed fault model
    6.2.2 The open fault model
    6.3 The numerical model
    6.4 Numerical results
    6.5 Comparison of the analytical models against numerical simulations
    6.5.1 Injection-dominated flow case
    6.5.2 Fault-dominated flow case
    6.5.3 Closed fault case
    6.6 Summary and final conclusions

    7 Volume average transport equations for in-situ combustion
    (A.G. Vital-Ocampo & O. Cazarez-Candia)
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Study system
    7.2.1 Local mass, momentum and energy equations
    7.2.2 Jump conditions
    7.3 Average volume
    7.4 Average equations
    7.5 Physical model
    7.6 Equations for in-situ combustion
    7.7 Numerical solution
    7.8 Solution
    7.9 Results
    7.10 Conclusions
    7.A Appendix
    7.A.1 Oil vaporization

    8 Biphasic isothermal tricomponent model to simulate advection-diffusion in 2D porous media
    (A. Moctezuma-Berthier)
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Model description
    8.2.1 General considerations
    8.2.2 Mathematical model
    8.2.3 Numerical model
    8.2.4 Solution of the system
    8.2.5 Management of the partials derivatives
    8.2.6 Solution scheme
    8.2.7 Treating the boundary conditions
    8.2.8 Initial conditions for the fluid flow and the tracer systems
    8.3 Validation of biphasic flow system
    8.4 Conclusions

    Section 3: Statistical and stochastic characterization

    9 A 3D geostatistical model of Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian facies distribution in Cantarell oil field, Mexico
    (R. Casar-González, M.A. Díaz-Viera, G. Murillo-Muñetón, L. Velasquillo-Martínez, J. García-Hernández & E. Aguirre-Cerda)
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Methodological aspects of geological and petrophysical modeling
    9.2.1 The geological model
    9.2.2 The petrophysical model
    9.3 Conceptual geological model
    9.3.1 Geological setting
    9.3.2 Sedimentary model and stratigraphic framework
    9.3.3 The conceptual geological model definition
    9.3.4 Analysis of the structural sections
    9.3.5 Description of the stratigraphic correlation sections
    9.3.6 Lithofacies definition
    9.4 Geostatistical modeling
    9.4.1 Zone partition
    9.4.2 Stratigraphic grid definition
    9.4.3 CA facies classification
    9.4.4 Facies upscaling process
    9.4.5 Statistical analysis
    9.4.6 Geostatistical simulations
    9.5 Conclusions

    10 Trivariate nonparametric dependence modeling of petrophysical properties
    (A. Erdely, M.A. Díaz-Viera &V. Hernández-Maldonado)
    10.1 Introduction
    10.1.1 The problem of modeling the complex dependence pattern between porosity and permeability in carbonate formations
    10.1.2 Trivariate copula and random variables dependence
    10.2 Trivariate data modeling
    10.3 Nonparametric regression
    10.4 Conclusions

    11 Joint porosity-permeability stochastic simulation by non-parametric copulas
    (V. Hernández-Maldonado, M.A. Díaz-Viera &A. Erdely-Ruiz)
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Non-conditional stochastic simulation methodology by using Bernstein copulas
    11.3 Application of the methodology to perform a non-conditional simulation with simulated annealing using bivariate Bernstein copulas
    11.3.1 Modeling the petrophysical properties dependence pattern, using non-parametric copulas or Bernstein copulas
    11.3.2 Generating the seed or initial configuration for simulated annealing method, using the non-parametric simulation algorithm
    11.3.3 Defining the objective function
    11.3.4 Measuring the energy of the seed, according to the objective function
    11.3.5 Calculating the initial temperature, and the most suitable annealing schedule of simulated annealing method to carry out the simulation
    11.3.6 Performing the simulation
    11.3.7 Application of the methodology for stochastic simulation by bivariate Bernstein copulas to simulate a permeability (K) profile. A case of study
    11.4 Comparison of results using three different methods
    11.4.1 A single non-conditional simulation, and a median of 10 non-conditional simulations of permeability
    11.4.2 A single 10% conditional simulation, and a median of 10, 10% conditional simulations of permeability
    11.4.3 A single 50% conditional simulation, and a median of 10, 50% conditional simulations of permeability
    11.4.4 A single 90% conditional simulation, and a median of 10, 90% conditional simulations of permeability
    11.5 Conclusions

    12 Stochastic simulation of a vuggy carbonate porous media
    (R. Casar-González &V. Suro-Pérez)
    12.1 Introduction
    12.2 X-ray computed tomography (CT)
    12.3 Exploratory data analysis of X-Ray computed tomography
    12.4 Transformation of the information from porosity values to indicator variable
    12.5 Spatial correlation modeling of the porous media
    12.6 Stochastic simulation of a vuggy carbonate porous media
    12.7 Simulation annealing multipoint of a vuggy carbonate porous media
    12.8 Simulation of continuous values of porosity in a vuggy carbonate porous medium
    12.9 Assigning permeability values based on porosity values
    12.10 Application example: effective permeability scaling procedure in vuggy carbonate porous media
    12.11 Scaling effective permeability with average power technique
    12.12 Scaling effective permeability with percolation model
    12.13 Conclusions and remarks

    13 Stochastic modeling of spatial grain distribution in rock samples from terrigenous formations using the plurigaussian simulation method
    (J. Méndez-Venegas & M.A. Díaz-Viera)
    13.1 Introduction
    13.2 Methodology
    13.2.1 Data image processing
    13.2.2 Geostatistical analysis
    13.3 Description of the data
    13.4 Geostatistical analysis
    13.4.1 Exploratory data analysis
    13.4.2 Variographic analysis
    13.5 Results
    13.6 Conclusions

    14 Metadistances in prime numbers applied to integral equations and some examples of their possible use in porous media problems
    (A. Ortiz-Tapia)
    14.1 Introduction
    14.1.1 Some reasons for choosing integral equation formulations
    14.1.2 Discretization of an integral equation with regular grids
    14.1.3 Solving an integral equation with MC or LDS
    14.2 Algorithms description
    14.2.1 Low discrepancy sequences
    14.2.2 Halton LDSs
    14.2.3 What is a “metadistance”
    14.2.4 Refinement of mds
    14.3 Numerical experiments
    14.3.1 Fredholm equations of the second kind in one integrable dimension
    14.3.2 Results in one dimension
    14.3.3 Choosing a problem in two dimensions
    14.3.4 Transformation of the original problem
    14.3.5 General numerical algorithm
    14.3.6 MC results, empirical rescaling
    14.3.7 Halton results, empirical rescaling
    14.3.8 MDs results, empirical rescaling
    14.3.9 MC results, systematic rescaling
    14.3.10 Halton results, systematic rescaling
    14.3.11 MDs results, systematic rescaling
    14.3.12 Accuracy goals
    14.3.13 Rate of convergence
    14.4 Conclusions

    Section 4:Waves

    15 On the physical meaning of slow shear waves within the viscosity-extended Biot framework
    (T.M. Müller & P.N. Sahay)
    15.1 Introduction
    15.2 Review of the viscosity-extended biot framework
    15.2.1 Constitutive relations, complex phase velocities, and characteristic frequencies
    15.2.2 Properties of the slow shear wave
    15.3 Conversion scattering in randomly inhomogeneous media
    15.3.1 Effective wave number approach
    15.3.2 Attenuation and dispersion due to conversion scattering in the slow shear wave
    15.4 Physical interpretation of the slow shear wave conversion scattering process
    15.4.1 Slow shear conversion mechanism as a proxy for attenuation due to vorticity diffusion within the viscous boundary layer
    15.4.2 The slow shear wave conversion mechanism versus the dynamic permeability concept
    15.5 Conclusions
    15.A Appendix
    15.A.1 α and β matrices
    15.A.2 Inertial regime

    16 Coupled porosity and saturation waves in porous media
    (N. Udey)
    16.1 Introduction
    16.2 The governing equations
    16.2.1 Variables and definitions
    16.2.2 The equations of continuity
    16.2.3 The equations of motion
    16.2.4 The porosity and saturation equations
    16.3 Dilatational waves
    16.3.1 The Helmholtz decomposition
    16.3.2 The dilatational wave equations
    16.3.3 The dilatational wave operator matrix equation
    16.3.4 Wave operator trial solutions
    16.4 Porosity waves
    16.4.1 The porosity wave equation
    16.4.2 The dispersion relation
    16.4.3 Comparison with pressure diffusion
    16.5 Saturation waves
    16.5.1 The wave equations
    16.5.2 The dispersion relation
    16.6 Coupled porosity and saturation waves
    16.6.1 The dispersion relation
    16.6.2 Factorization of the dispersion relation
    16.7 A numerical illustration
    16.7.1 The porosity wave
    16.7.2 The saturation wave
    16.8 Conclusion

    Subject index
    Book series page



    Martin A. Diaz Viera, Pratap Sahay, Manuel Coronado, Arturo Ortiz Tapia