234 Pages
    by Routledge

    234 Pages
    by Routledge

    Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung’s thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of Jung’s work.

    Jung’s Collected Works, seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions of this ancient divinatory system, and Jung himself used astrological horoscopes as a diagnostic tool in his analytic practice. Understood in terms of his own psychology as a symbolic representation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, Jung found in astrology a wealth of spiritual and psychological meaning and suggested it represents the "sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."

    The selections and editorial introductions by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice address topics that were of critical importance to Jung—such as the archetypal symbolism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astrological ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the experience of astrological fate—allowing readers to assess astrology’s place within the larger corpus of Jung’s work and its value as a source of symbolic meaning for our time.

    The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists and academics and students of depth psychology, Jungian and post-Jungian studies, as well as to astrologers and therapists of other orientations, especially transpersonal.





    Part I: Contexts and Opinions


    1 Astrology’s Place in the Modern West

    2 Jung’s View of Astrology

    3 Astrology as Archetypal: Planets and Gods


    Part II: Astrological Symbolism in Jung’s Writings


    4 Planetary and Zodiacal Symbolism

    Signs of the Zodiac

    Sun Symbolism

    Sun and Moon Symbolism

    Venus and Mars Symbolism

    Mandalas, Birth Charts, and the Self

    5 Fate, Heimarmene, and Ascent through the Planetary Spheres

    6 Astrology and Medicine


    Part III: Astrological Ages


    7 The Symbolic Significance of the Precession

    Astrological Ages and Cultural Transition

    From the Age of Aries to the Age of Aquarius

    Astrological Ages and Christian Symbolism

    The Coming Age of Aquarius

    8 The Sign of the Fishes

    9 The Prophecies of Nostradamus

    10 The Historical Significance of the Fish


    Part IV: Explanations of Astrology


    11 As Above, So Below: The Microcosm-Macrocosm Correspondence

    12 Astrology as Projection

    13 Astrology as Mantic Method

    14 Astrology as Causal Influence

    15 Synchronicity and the Qualities of Time

    16 Number and Archetypes

    XVII Acausal Orderedness and the Unus Mundus



    Gret Baumann-Jung: Some Reflections on the Horoscope of C. G. Jung




    Safron Rossi is a professor of mythology and depth psychology in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California. For many years she was Curator of the Joseph Campbell and James Hillman manuscript collections. She writes in the fields of archetypal psychology, mythology and astrology.

    Keiron Le Grice is a professor of depth psychology and program chair in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California, and co-founder of the Institute of Transpersonal and Archetypal Studies (ITAS). He is the author of several books and a founding editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology.

    "This book is long overdue. The authors have filled an important gap in the Jungian literature. Scholars of Jungian psychology and astrologers will gain much from the editors’ sensitive and detailed appreciation of the importance that Jung gave to astrology. The editors’ grasp of both Jung’s psychology and astrological symbolism gives them a unique ability to synthesize and bridge these fields. For those of us interested in spiritual and emotional growth, this work will be invaluable." - Lionel Corbett, MD; Jungian Analyst and Professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA

    "Jung on Astrology is a book my colleagues and I have long hoped for. Not only has Jungian psychology had a profound influence on the development of contemporary astrology, but the accumulated insights of the astrological tradition subtly shaped Jung’s thinking about the nature of archetypes, the predispositions of his patients, and the ages of history. The full extent and impact of Jung’s long involvement with astrology is still being uncovered, and this compilation by Le Grice and Rossi can now serve as a foundational text for future studies." - Richard Tarnas, Ph.D.; Professor at California Institute of Integral Studies, USA