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Intensities: Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion: Intensities: Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion

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6 Series Titles

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A Philosophy of Christian Materialism Entangled Fidelities and the Public Good

A Philosophy of Christian Materialism: Entangled Fidelities and the Public Good

1st Edition

By Christopher Baker, Thomas A. James, John Reader
February 12, 2018

A Philosophy of Christian Materialism offers a new religious engagement with the public sphere via means of interdisciplinary analysis and empirical examples, developing what the authors call a Relational Christian Realism building upon interaction with contemporary Philosophy of Religion. The book...

Re-visioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion Reason, Love and Epistemic Locatedness

Re-visioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion: Reason, Love and Epistemic Locatedness

1st Edition

By Pamela Sue Anderson
December 06, 2012

A passion for justice and truth motivates the bold challenge of Revisioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion. Unearthing the ways in which the myths of Christian patriarchy have historically inhibited and prohibited women from thinking and writing their own ideas, this book lays fresh ground for ...

Radical Theology and Emerging Christianity Deconstruction, Materialism and Religious Practices

Radical Theology and Emerging Christianity: Deconstruction, Materialism and Religious Practices

1st Edition

By Katharine Sarah Moody
March 29, 2017

The ’theological turn’ in continental philosophy and the ’turn to Paul’ in political philosophy have occasioned a return to radical theology, a tradition whose philosophical heritage can be traced to the death of God announced in the work of Nietzsche and Hegel. John D. Caputo’s deconstructive ...

Intensities Philosophy, Religion and the Affirmation of Life

Intensities: Philosophy, Religion and the Affirmation of Life

1st Edition

By Katharine Sarah Moody, Steven Shakespeare
November 28, 2012

Is the affirmation or intensification of life a value in itself? Can life itself be thought? This book breaks new ground in religious and philosophical thinking on the concept of life. It captures a moment in which such thinking is regaining its force and attraction for scholars, and the relevance ...

Heidegger on Death A Critical Theological Essay

Heidegger on Death: A Critical Theological Essay

1st Edition

By George Pattison
April 18, 2013

This book examines the question of death in the light of Heidegger's paradigmatic discussion in Being and Time. Although Heidegger's own treatment deliberately refrains from engaging theological perspectives, George Pattison suggests that these not only serve to bring out problematic elements in ...

Praying to a French God The Theology of Jean-Yves Lacoste

Praying to a French God: The Theology of Jean-Yves Lacoste

1st Edition

By Kenneth Jason Wardley
May 06, 2014

As a phenomenologist Lacoste is concerned with investigating the human aptitude for experience; as a theologian Lacoste is interested in humanity’s potential for a relationship with the divine, what he terms the ’liturgical relationship’. Beginning from the proposition that prayer is a theme that ...

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