276 Pages
    by Routledge

    276 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book, first published in 1926, aimed to introduce to English readers to a great and complex foreign writer in as simple terms as possible. As this was the first extensive study of Gogol in English, the author chiefly considered the general characteristics of the man and his work. This book will be of interest to students of literature.

    1. Gogol and Russian Literature  2. Gogol’s First Steps in Life and Letters  3. The Inverted Romanticist  4. Gogol’s Petersburg Stories  5. Gogol the Playwright  6. The Dead Souls  7. Art and Ethics  8. Gogol’s Last Years  9. Conclusion;  Chronological List of Gogol’s Works;  Bibliography;  Index


    Janko Lavrin