206 Pages
    by Routledge

    206 Pages
    by Routledge

    Gender in Translation is a broad-ranging, imaginative and lively look at feminist issues surrounding translation studies. Students and teachers of translation studies, linguistics, gender studies and women's studies will find this unprecedented work invaluable and thought-provoking reading.
    Sherry Simon argues that translation of feminist texts - with a view to promoting feminist perspectives - is a cultural intervention, seeking to create new cultural meanings and bring about social change. She takes a close look at specific issues which include: the history of feminist theories of language and translation studies; linguistic issues, including a critical examination of the work of Luce Irigaray; a look at women translators through history, from the Renaissance to the twentieth century; feminist translations of the Bible; an analysis of the ways in which French feminist texts such as De Beauvoir's The Second Sex have been translated into English.

    Preface and acknowledgments, 1. Taking gendered positions in translation theory, 2. Creating new lines of transmission, 3. Missed connections: transporting Frenchfeminism to Anglo-America, 4. Corrective measures: the Bible in feminist frame, 5. Conclusion: revising the boundaries of culture and translation, Notes, Bibliography, Index


    Sherry Simon

    'Sherry Simon's work is truly successful in that it provides a comprehensive introduction to translation practice, translation theory and translation history from a gender perspective.' - Target

    'This is a very fine book indeed ... written in a lucid and smooth style.' - Translation