174 Pages
    by Routledge

    174 Pages
    by Routledge

    Encouragement is the basis for development of human potential in children and adults. It is the source of motivation for effective actions, goals and interpersonal relationships. Encouragement permits individuals to overcome setbacks and adversities, to have respect for self and for others, to be optimistic and to meet life's challenges. In an era that has witnessed high rates of depression, anxiety, suicide and violence, Encouraging Children to Learn provides crucial and well tested encouragement methods for improving attitudes, goals and actions.

    Preface, Preface to the 1963 Edition, Introduction, The Development of Personality, The Child's Development, Discouragement, The Principles of Encouragement, Encouragement in Specific Fields, Personal and Social Adjustment Throughout Encouragement, Encouragement Techniques Adapted to Developmental Levels, Encouragement in the Classroom Group, Deterrents to Encouragement, Analysis of Examples.


    Rudolf Dreikurs, Don Sr. Dinkmeyer

    "For those of us who meet children in our various workplaces, we continue to marvel a the resilience. We continue to say that the world has changed, and so have the children. In the midst of this we have an old book (1963) that set the world of education on edge coming back to invite us again to explore children. This book will be a fine refresher as well as a new resource as we return to allowing kids to be kids." -- The Rev. Dr. Richard B. Gilbert, Resources Hotline