1st Edition

Continuous Creation A Biological Concept of the Nature of Matter

By Wilfred Branfield Copyright 1950

    Originally published in 1950, this book challenged the basis of our beliefs about the relation of life to matter. Already aware that chalk, limestone and coal seams are the residues of ancient life, the author suggests that this knowledge may also be applied to the rest of matter. In that case, he argues, the origin of the world was not cosmic upheaval which broke down at last into life, but organic life itself.

    Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 LIFE AND MATTER; Chapter 3 GEOLOGICAL SEQUENCE; Chapter 4 GRANITOID ROCKS; Chapter 5 AIR AND WATER; REFERENCES;
    "If he is justified in his claims we are liberated from the thraldom of cold, material, academic chemistry and physics to escape into the sunlight of radiant energy." Frederic Wood Jones