1st Edition

Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice

By T. Lunne, J.J.M. Powell, P.K. Robertson Copyright 1997

    This book provides guidance on the specification, performance, use and interpretation of the Electric Cone Penetration Test (CPU), and in particular the Cone Penetration Test with pore pressure measurement (CPTU) commonly referred to as the "piezocone test".

    Preface. Acknowledgements. Symbol List. Conversion Factors. Glossary. 1. Introduction. 2. Equipment and procedures. 3. Checks, corrections and presentation of data. 4. Standards and specifications. 5. Interpretation of CPT/Piezocone data. 6. Direct application of CPT/CPTU results. 7. Additional sensors that can be incorporated. 8. Geo-Environmental applications of penetration testing. 9. Examples. 10. Future trends. References. Appendices. Index.


    T. Lunne, J.J.M. Powell, P.K. Roberstson