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Communication & Social Order

10 Series Titles

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Discursive Acts Language, Signs, and Selves

Discursive Acts: Language, Signs, and Selves

2nd Edition

By Robert Perinbanayagam
September 15, 2010

Language, Signs and Selves applies conversational analysis to the discourse of everyday life and its roles in social behavior. The explanation offered of the complex elements and processes of language use is theoretically and empirically grounded, synthesizing European post structuralist theory and...

Soviet Cinematography, 1918-1991 Ideological Conflict and Social Reality

Soviet Cinematography, 1918-1991: Ideological Conflict and Social Reality

1st Edition

Edited By Dmitry Shlapentokh
December 31, 1993

With a historical sweep that recent events have made definitive, the authors examine the influence of Soviet ideology on the presentation of social reality in films produced in the Soviet Union between the October Revolution and the final days of glasnost. Within the framework of an introduction ...

Durkheim and Postmodern Culture

Durkheim and Postmodern Culture

1st Edition

Edited By Stjepan Mestrovic
December 31, 1992

The present work is an elaboration of the author's previous efforts in Emile Durkheim and the Reformation of Sociology (1988) and The Coming Fin de Sibcle (1991) to demonstrate Durkheim's neglected relevance to the postmodern discourse. The aims include finding affinities between our fin de sibcle ...

The Micropolitics of Knowledge Communication and Indirect Control in Workgroups

The Micropolitics of Knowledge: Communication and Indirect Control in Workgroups

1st Edition

By Emmanuel Lazega
December 31, 1992

For many years Emmanuel Lazega has explored communication behavior and decision-making processes of small workgroups within larger organizations. To account for the knowledge claims of members of those groups, and for the ways in which such claims are legitimated collectively and translated into ...

Writing the Social Text Poetics and Politics in Social Science Discourse

Writing the Social Text: Poetics and Politics in Social Science Discourse

1st Edition

Edited By Richard Brown
December 31, 1992

During the past decade, it has become commonplace to interpret social and cultural reality-the very groundwork of the social sciences-as linguistic constructions. Not only is society viewed as a text, but scientific texts themselves are seen as rhetorical constructions.This collection of scholarly ...

Hollywood Shot by Shot Alcoholism in American Cinema

Hollywood Shot by Shot: Alcoholism in American Cinema

1st Edition

By Norman K. Denzin
December 31, 1991

To what extent have Hollywood feature films shaped the meanings that Americans attach to alcoholics, their families, and the alcoholic condition? To what extent has the mass culture of the movie industry itself been conceptually shaped by a broad, external societal discourse? Norman Denzin brings ...

Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era

Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era

1st Edition

By David Altheide
December 31, 1991

The concept of media logic, a theoretical framework for explaining the relationship between mass media and culture, was first introduced in Altheide and Snow's influential work, Media Logic. In Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era, the authors expand their analysis of how organizational ...

Industrialization as an Agent of Social Change A Critical Analysis

Industrialization as an Agent of Social Change: A Critical Analysis

1st Edition

By Herbert Blumer
December 31, 1990

Herbert Blumer wrote continuously and voluminously, and consequently left a vast array of unpublished work at the time of his death in 1987. This posthumously published volume testifies further to his perceptive analysis of large-scale social organizations and elegant application of symbolic ...

Symbols and Artifacts Views of the Corporate Landscape

Symbols and Artifacts: Views of the Corporate Landscape

1st Edition

By Pasquale Gagliardi
December 30, 1990

This book contains papers, presented at an international conference organized by the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism in Milan, that provide details on how corporate artifacts are invested with meaning, are related to control, and can be used as cultural indicators in research....

Becoming Mature Childhood Ghosts and Spirits in Adult Life

Becoming Mature: Childhood Ghosts and Spirits in Adult Life

1st Edition

By Valerie Bentz
December 31, 1989

Presents an integrated theory of development and maturation focusing on the influence of childhood experience on adult women. The book draws on the theories of Mead, Habermas, and Schutz, and on narratives and group discussions to analyze case studies....

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