1st Edition

Choreographics A Comparison of Dance Notation Systems from the Fifteenth Century to the Present

By Ann Hutchinson Guest Copyright 1989

    Here for the first time is an account of how each of thirteen historical as well as present-day systems cope with indicating body movement, time, space (direction and level) and other basic movement aspects of paper. A one-to-one comparison is made of how the same simple patterns, such as walking, jumping, turning, etc. are notated in each system.

    Discussion of Apparent Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Systems Words and Word Abbreviations Track Drawings Stick Figure (Visual) Systems Music Note Systems Abstract Symbol Systems Survey of the Main Systems Conclusion


    Ann Hutchinson Guest

    "'She [Anne Hutchinson Guest] presents a wealth of information never before assembled in a single volume and provides readers with a basic understanding of the major theoretical perspectives informing the field of Western dance notation.'." -- Rhonda Ryman of Dance Research Journal, 23/1
    "'She [Anne Hutchinson Guest] presents a wealth of information never before assembled in a single volume and provides readers with a basic understanding of the major theoretical perspectives informing the field of Western dance notation.'." -- Rhonda Ryman of Dance Research Journal, 23/1