1st Edition

Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene

By Ronald M. Scott Copyright 1997

    Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene covers the latest and most important topics in industrial hygiene today. The textbook begins with a look at the history and basis for industrial hygiene, which provides students with a foundation for understanding later developments. The book contains an in-depth discussion of new OSHA regulations, such as HAZWOPER and Process Safety, which deal with high hazard situations. It also features a chapter on biological hazards of current concern in health care, including tuberculosis, AIDS, and hepatitis B.

    The History and Present State of Workplace Health and Safety
    History and Basis of Industrial Hygiene: The Historical View
    Government Regulation
    Basics of Toxicology
    Toxic Effects
    Measuring Relative Toxicity and Assessing Risk
    Toxicokinetics: Toxicants Into, Around, and Out of the Body
    Chemical Hazards in the Workplace
    Occupational Dermatosis and Eye Hazard
    Inhalation Toxicology
    Protecting the Worker I: Monitoring the Plant Atmosphere
    Protecting the Worker II: Providing Clean Air
    Fire and Explosion
    Protection from Chemicals in Special Situations: Large Chemical Operations, Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup, and Emergency Response
    Physical and Biological Hazards in the Workplace
    Occupational Hearing Loss
    Working in Extreme Temperatures
    Prevention of Accidents
    Cumulative Trauma
    Applications of Industrial Hygiene in Selected Industries
    Metals: Metal Preparation and Manufacturing
    Metals II: Details About Specific Metals
    Appendix A: Statistical Calculations
    Appendix B: MSDS
    Appendix C: Safety Phone Numbers
    Appendix D: Useful Addresses
    Appendix E: Fire Diamond
    Appendix F: Confined Space Entry Form
    Appendix G: Conversion Factors


    Scott, RonaldM.