1st Edition

Appropriate Technology in Vector Control

By Christopher F. Curtis Copyright 1990

    This book was first published in 1990. It discusses a plethora of both high and low tech options for the control of vectors such as mosquitos in the spread of disease.

    1. Appropriate Technology and Why it is Needed 2. Impregnated Bed Nets and Curtains Against Malaria Mosquitos 3. Bait Methods for Tsetse Control 4. Natural and Synthetic Repellents 5. New Strategies for Controlling Ticks 6. Control of Aedes Mosquitoes by the Community 7. Environmental and Water Management for Mosquito Control 8. Biological Control Methods Suitable for Community Use 9. Genetic Control by Trapping 10. Insect Proofing of Sanitation Systems 11. The Role fo House Design in limiting Vector-Borne Disease 12. Vector Control Through Radio and Television- Appropriate Technology for the Future 13. Appropriate Vector Control in Primary Health Care


    Christopher F. Curtis