1st Edition

Anjou Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology

By John McNeill Copyright 2003
    274 Pages
    by Routledge

    274 Pages
    by Routledge

    This volume serves as an essential reference for new thoughts, interpretation and discussion of the rich architectural and archaeological heritage of Anjou. It outlines the development of building techniques in Anjou and Touraine, and concentrates on the medieval period.

    1. Le territoire d’Angers du dixieme au treizieme siecle: Naissance des bourgs et faubourgs monastiques et canoniaux 2. Evolution de la construction medievale en pierre en Anjou et Touraine 3. Entre Anjou, Ile-de-France et Normandie: Les donjons du comte du Maine du dixieme au debut du treizieme siecle 4. La nef unique dans l’art religieux angevin 5. The Romanesque Abbey Church of the Ronceray 6. La sculpture du Ronceray d’Angers: Un jalon majeur de l’art du onzieme siecle 7. Aspects of the Architectural Patronage of the Family of the Counts of Anjou in the Twelfth Century 8. The East Cloister Walk of Saint-Aubin at Angers: Sculpture and Archaeology 9. The West Portal of Angers Cathedral 10. Twelfth-Century Cistercian Architecture in Greater Anjou 11. An Entente Cordiale? The Anglo-French Historiography of the Domical Vaults of Anjou 12. An Outsider Looks at Angevin Gothic Architecture 13. Les vitraux du choeur de la cathedrale d’Angers: Commanditaires et iconographie 14. Thirteenth-Century Tile Pavements in Anjou 15. La peinture murale angevine au treizieme siecle 16. The Chateau of the Dukes of Anjou at Saumur, 1360–1480


    John McNeill (Author)