1st Edition

Geotechnical Engineering Hard Soil Soft Rock

    482 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Presents results from research work concerning the geological background, the properties and the behaviour of soft rocks, as well as experiences from design and construction of engineering works.

    Geological features, investigation & classification; Mechanical properties & behaviour; Foundations, excavations & retaining structures; Slope stability & protection; Fills & embankments; Tunnelling & underground openings; Soft rocks in petroleum engineering.

    Geotechnical engineering exhibition/L ’exposition de l’ingénierie géotechnique; Other activities/Activités divers; Symposium program/Programme du Symposium; 1 Opening ceremony/ Cérémonie d'ouverture 2 Presentation of activities of the ISSMFE TC-22 on Soft Rocks and Indurated Soils/Rapport d'activité du TC-22 de la SIMSTF sur les Roches Tendres et les Sols Indurés 3 Special lectures/Conférences spéciales 4 Main sessions and discussion sessions/Séances plénières et séances de discussion 5 Special session: Soft rocks in petroleum engineering/Séance spéciale: roches tendres et génie pétrolier 6 Closing ceremony/Cérémonie de clôture


    A.Anagnostopoulos Universite Technique Nationale d'Athenes, Greece. F. Schlosser Ecole Nationale des Pants et Chaussees!Terrasol, Paris, France, N. Kalteziotis Laboratoire Central des Travaux Publics, Athenes, Greece, R. Frank Centred' Enseignement et de Recherche en Mecanique des Sols (ENPC!LCPC), France.