1st Edition

Adaptation in Sports Training

By Atko Viru Copyright 2008

    Founded on an analysis of scientific literature and backed by an abundance of references, this timely new book examines problems related to sports training, as well as the concept that training-induced changes are founded on adaptive protein synthesis. Discussions include:

    Alterations in the organism's adaptivity during exercise training

    Intracellular control of protein synthesis points on molecular mechanisms in exercise training

    Endocrine mechanisms with regard to acute adaptation during exercise, as well as amplification and post-translation control of the adaptive protein synthesis

    Practical benefits of the adaptation process in training.

    General Outlines of Adaptation Processes and the Biological Nature of Exercise Training
    Adaptation and Training
    The Nature of Exercise Training
    Model of the Top Athlete
    Hormones in Adaptation to Physical Exercises: Hormonal Responses to Exercise
    Blood Hormonal Ensemble During Exercise
    Determinants of Hormonal Responses
    Factors Modulating Hormonal Responses to Exercise
    Significance of Hormones in Regulation of Metabolism During Exercise
    Factors Determining the Hormone Effect
    Mobilization of Energy Reserves
    Mobilization of Protein Resources
    Homeostatic Regulation of Water-Electrolyte Balance During Exercise
    Post-Exercise Recovery Period
    Outlines of the Post-Exercise Recovery
    Restoration of Normal Functional Activities
    Repletion of Energy Stores
    Reconstructive Function of the Recovery Process
    Specific Nature of Skeletal Muscles
    Hypertrophy of Myofibrils
    Contractile Mechanism
    Mitochondria and Oxidative Enzymes
    Enzymes of Anaerobic Pathways of ATP Resynthesis
    Intramuscular Energy Stores and Myoglobin
    Muscle Capillarization
    Fiber Type Transformation Problem
    Specificity of Training Effects on Aerobic Working Capacity and the Cardiovascular System
    Training Effects on Anaerobic Threshold and Maximal Oxygen Uptake
    Specificity of Training Effects on the Cardiovascular System
    Specificity of Training Effects on Control Functions and the Connective Tissue
    Endocrine Functions
    Neural Adaptation
    Molecular Mechanisms of Training Effects
    Protein Synthesis in Training
    Metabolic Control of Protein Synthesis in Training
    Hormonal Action on Adaptive Protein Synthesis in Training
    Adaptive Protein Synthesis in the Myocardium
    Other Theories of Training Mechanisms
    Gender Differences in Training Effects
    Metabolic Capacities in Male and Female Athletes
    Endocrine Systems in Exercise in Women
    Training Effects on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy
    Training Effects on Aerobic Working Capacity
    Physiological Aspects of Selected Problems of Training Methodology: Training Tactics
    Choice of Training Exercises
    Training Session
    Microcycle of Training
    The Main Principles of Training Tactics
    Physiological Aspects of Selected Problems of Training Methodology: Training Strategy
    Training Design for a Many-Year Period
    Year-Round Training
    Concluding Remarks


    Viru, Atko