288 Pages
    by Routledge

    288 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1940, the original blurb reads: Here is an inquiry how to make a just and lasting peace when the danger of further aggression by Herr Hitler’s Germany has been removed. A feature of the book is the stress it lays on Germany’s part in forming and fostering a new world order.

    When the World War ended, cries of "Hang the Kaiser" and "Squeeze the German Orange" hampered the peacemakers and helped to spoil the peace. If that mistake is not to be repeated, public opinion must be prepared for whatever apparent sacrifices may be involved in passing from the old civilization to the new. And if the foundations of the new system are to be well and truly laid, they must rest not only upon the undertakings of governments, but also upon the convictions and the sentiments, the thoughts and the feelings, of individual men and women. To that end people should begin now to think over and discuss with one another how the errors of Versailles are to be avoided and how we are to do better this time. This book by Dr Maxwell Garnett, for 18 years the secretary of the League of Nations Union and Dr H. F. Koeppler will help such thought and talk to prepare the way of lasting peace.

    Dr Koeppler shows how essential is Anglo-French solidarity in the interests of Germany herself. For the rest he is chiefly concerned with the conflict between German democracy and Prussian Junkerdom as he defines it. He suggests how this conflict may be resolved when the Nazi disciples of the Junkers have left the scene and how Germany may then play an equal part in a new Europe.

    Introduction.  Franco-British Declaration.  1. The Purpose of this Book  2. The Unity of Civilization  3. Towards Political Unity  4. Beginnings of World Government  5. The Drift Towards War  6. An Unstable Europe  7. The World War  8. Mixed Motives at Paris  9. The Covenant of the League of Nations  10. Ten Successful Years  11. The Tide Turns  12. Appeasement  13. How Hitler’s War Began  14. War and Peace Aims  15. Law and Order  16. Welfare and Economics  17. Colonies  18. The Freedom of the Air  19. Inter-State and Federal Union  20. Education for Citizenship.  Chapters in The Basis of German Co-operation  21. The Basic Triangle  22. How to Approach the German Problem  23. Enter the Junkers  24. Who the Prussians Are  25. Unity, Law and Liberty  26. The Price Paid for Unity  27. Lessons for a Lasting Peace.  Index.


    Maxwell Garnett, H. F. Koeppler