6th Edition

A History of the Roman World From 30 BC to AD 138

By E. T. Salmon Copyright 1968
    384 Pages
    by Routledge

    Including an account of political and military developments, and including sections on social, economic an cultural life, this book presents a survey of the Roman world at a time when the Principate was established, and the Pax Romana consolidated.

    1: The Founding of the Principate; 1: Augustus Princeps; 2: Italy; 3: The Provinces; 4: The Frontiers and Beyond; 5: The Literature of the Augustan Age; 2: The Julio-Claudian Emperors; 1a: Tiberius; 2a: Gaius; 3a: Claudius; 4a: Nero; 3: The Italian Emperors; 1b: Anarchy; 2b: Vespasian; 3b: Titus; 4b: Domitian; 5b: Flavian Frontiers; 6b: The Economic Life of the Empire; 7b: Literature Between A.D. 50 and 100; 4: The Non-Italian Emperors; 1c: Nerva; 2c: Trajan; 3c: Hadrian; 4c: The Rise of Christianity; 5c: Literature and Art in the Early Second Century


    E. T. Salmon