1st Edition

Understanding LED Illumination

By M. Nisa Khan Copyright 2014

    Understanding LED Illumination elucidates the science of lighting for light emitting diodes. It presents concepts, theory, simulations, and new design techniques that shine the spotlight on illumination, energy efficiency, and reducing electrical power consumption. The text provides an introduction to the fundamentals of LED lamp design, and highli

    Introduction. LED Lighting Devices. LED Module Manufacturing. Lamp Measurement and Characterization. LED Lamp Design Considerations. LED Lighting Design and Simulation. LED Replacements for Incandescent and Linear-Tubular Fluorescent Lamps. References. Index.


    M. Nisa Khan received her bachelor's degree in physics and mathematics from Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, and her master's and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. In 2006, she started an independent research and engineering company in LED lighting and has been involved in innovation and technology development for making solid-state lighting more suitable for general lighting. Dr. Khan performs feasibility studies for LED lighting used in entertainment and signage industries and offers platform design and development solutions for general lighting applications. Since 2007, she has been writing the "LED Update" column for Signs of the Times magazine.