1st Edition

Analytic Hyperbolic Geometry in N Dimensions An Introduction

By Abraham Albert Ungar Copyright 2015
    624 Pages 92 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    The concept of the Euclidean simplex is important in the study of n-dimensional Euclidean geometry. This book introduces for the first time the concept of hyperbolic simplex as an important concept in n-dimensional hyperbolic geometry.

    Following the emergence of his gyroalgebra in 1988, the author crafted gyrolanguage, the algebraic language that sheds natural light on hyperbolic geometry and special relativity. Several authors have successfully employed the author’s gyroalgebra in their exploration for novel results. Françoise Chatelin noted in her book, and elsewhere, that the computation language of Einstein described in this book plays a universal computational role, which extends far beyond the domain of special relativity.

    This book will encourage researchers to use the author’s novel techniques to formulate their own results. The book provides new mathematical tools, such as hyperbolic simplexes, for the study of hyperbolic geometry in n dimensions. It also presents a new look at Einstein’s special relativity theory.

    List of Figures


    Author’s Biography


    Gyrovector Spaces in the Service of Abalytic Hyperbolic Geometry

    When Two Counterintuitive Theories Meet

    The Fascinating Rich Mathematical Life of Einstein’s Velocity Addition Law

    Parts of the Book

    Einstein Gyrogroups and Gyrovector Spaces

    Einstein Gyrogroups


    Einstein Velocity Addition

    Einstein Addition for Computer Algebra

    Thomas Precession Angle

    Einstein Addition With Respect to Cartesian Coordinates

    Einstein Addition Vs. Vector Addition


    Gyration Angles

    From Einstein Velocity Addition to Gyrogroups

    Gyrogroup Cooperation (Coaddition)

    First Gyrogroup Properties

    Elements of Gyrogroup Theory

    The Two Basic Gyrogroup Equations

    The Basic Gyrogroup Cancellation Laws

    Automorphisms and Gyroautomorphisms

    Gyrosemidirect Product

    Basic Gyration Properties

    An Advanced Gyrogroup Equation

    Gyrocommutative Gyrogroups


    Einstein Gyrovector Spaces 65

    The Abstract Gyrovector Space

    Einstein Gyrovector Spaces

    Einstein Addition and Differential Geometry

    Euclidean Lines

    Gyrolines – The Hyperbolic Lines

    Gyroangles – The Hyperbolic Angles

    Euclidean Isometries

    The Group of Euclidean Motions

    Gyroisometries – The Hyperbolic Isometries

    Gyromotions – The Motions of Hyperbolic Geometry


    Relativistic Mass Meets Hyperbolic Geometry

    Lorentz Transformation and Einstein Addition

    Mass of Particle Systems

    Resultant Relativistically Invariant Mass


    Mathematical Tools for Hyperbolic Geometry

    Barycentric and Gyrobarycentric Coordinates

    Barycentric Coordinates


    Gyrobarycentric Coordinates

    Uniqueness of Gyrobarycentric Representations

    Gyrovector Gyroconvex Span


    Triangle Centroid


    Gyroline Boundary points

    Gyrotriangle Gyrocentroid

    Gyrodistance in Gyrobarycentric Coordinates

    Gyrolines in Gyrobarycentric Coordinates


    Gyroparallelograms and Gyroparallelotopes

    The Parallelogram Law

    Einstein Gyroparallelograms

    The Gyroparallelogram Law

    The Higher-Dimensional Gyroparallelotope Law


    Gyroparallelotope Gyrocentroid

    Gyroparallelotope Formal Definition and Theorem

    Low Dimensional Gyroparallelotopes

    Hyperbolic Plane Separation

    GPSA for the Einstein Gyroplane




    Gyroangle – Angle Relationship

    The Law of Gyrocosines

    The SSS to AAA Conversion Law

    Inequalities for Gyrotriangles

    The AAA to SSS Conversion Law

    The Law of Sines/Gyrosines

    The Law of Gyrosines

    The ASA to SAS Conversion Law

    Gyrotriangle Defect

    Right Gyrotriangles


    Gyroangle of Parallelism

    Useful Gyrotriangle Gyrotrigonometric Identities

    A Determinantal Pattern


    Hyperbolic Triangles and Circles

    Gyrotriangles and Gyrocircles


    Gyrotriangle Circumgyrocenter

    Triangle Circumcenter

    Gyrotriangle Circumgyroradius

    Triangle Circumradius

    The Gyrocircle Through Three Points

    The Inscribed Gyroangle Theorem I

    The Inscribed Gyroangle Theorem II

    Gyrocircle Gyrotangent Gyrolines

    Semi-Gyrocircle Gyrotriangles


    Gyrocircle Theorems

    The Gyrotangent–Gyrosecant Theorem

    The Intersecting Gyrosecants Theorem

    Gyrocircle Gyrobarycentric Representation

    Gyrocircle Interior and Exterior Points

    Circle Barycentric Representation

    Gyrocircle Gyroline Intersection

    Gyrocircle–Gyroline Tangency Points

    Gyrocircle Gyrotangent Gyrolength

    Circle–Line Tangency Points


    Gyrodistances Related to the Gyrocevian

    A Gyrodistance Related to the Circumgyrocevian

    Circumgyrocevian Gyrolength

    The Intersecting Gyrochords Theorem


    Hyperbolic Simplices, Hyperplanes and Hyperspheres in N



    Gyrotetrahedron Circumgyrocenter

    Gyrotetrahedron Circumgyroradius

    Gyrosimplex Gyrocentroid

    Gamma Matrices

    Gyrosimplex Gyroaltitudes

    Gyrosimplex Circumhypergyrosphere

    The Gyrosimplex Constant

    Point to Gyrosimplex Gyrodistance

    Cramer’s Rule

    Point to Gyrosimplex Perpendicular Projection

    Gyrosimplex In-Exgyrocenters and In-Exgyroradii

    Gyrotriangle In-Exgyrocenters

    Gyrosimplex Gyrosymmedian


    Gyrosimplex Gyrovolume



    Hyperbolic Ellipses and Hyperbolas

    Gyroellipses and Gyrohyperbolas

    Gyroellipses – A Gyrobarycentric Representation

    Gyroellipses – Gyrotrigonometric Gyrobarycentric Representation

    Gyroellipse Major Vertices

    Gyroellipse Minor Vertices

    Canonical Gyroellipses

    Gyrobarycentric Representation of Canonical Gyroellipses

    Barycentric Representation of Canonical Ellipses

    Some Properties of Canonical Gyroellipses

    Canonical Gyroellipses and Ellipses

    Canonical Gyroellipse Equation

    A Gyrotrigonometric Constant of the Gyroellipse

    Ellipse Eccentricity

    Gyroellipse Gyroeccentricity

    Gyrohyperbolas – A Gyrobarycentric Representation


    Thomas Precession

    Thomas Precession


    The Gyrotriangle Defect and Thomas Precession

    Thomas Precession

    Thomas Precession Matrix

    Thomas Precession Graphical Presentation

    Thomas Precession Angle

    Thomas Precession Frequency

    Thomas Precession and Boost Composition

    Thomas Precession Angle and Generating Angle have Opposite Signs





    Abraham Albert Ungar

    "Anyone who is concerned with hyperbolic geometry should use this wonderful and comprehensive book as a helpful compendium."
    Zentralblatt MATH 1312